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Gwen paced back and forth in the dimly lit room, her heart heavy with concern. Y/N lay in his crib, his tiny body nestled beneath a soft blanket. His forehead felt warm to the touch, indicating that a fever had taken hold.

Worry etched across her face, Gwen gently picked up Y/N, cradling him in her arms. She could feel his little body tremble with discomfort as he whimpered softly. Determined to provide comfort, she settled into a cozy rocking chair, creating a soothing rhythm that matched the beating of her own heart.

As Gwen held Y/N close, she whispered gentle words of reassurance, her voice a soft melody that filled the room.

"Don't worry, my sweet baby. Mommy's here. I won't leave your side." Gwen whispered to him.

"You're strong and brave, little guy. You'll get through this, I promise." She pressed a cool cloth to his forehead, hoping to alleviate some of the heat that radiated from his skin. Y/N stirred but remained restless, his tiny fists clutching at Gwen's shirt.

Searching for additional ways to soothe him, Gwen softly sang a lullaby, her voice tender and filled with love. The familiar melody seemed to capture Y/N's attention, his cries subsiding as he listened to the comforting sound of his mother's voice.

With every word and gentle sway of the rocking chair, Gwen poured her love and care into calming Y/N. She cradled him against her chest, creating a safe haven where he could find solace amidst the discomfort of his fever.

Time seemed to blur as Gwen continued to hold Y/N, her touch providing a sense of security. She brushed her fingers through his hair, a soothing gesture that brought a momentary respite from his restlessness. Y/N's eyes fluttered closed, his tiny body relaxing against Gwen's warmth.

Gwen remained vigilant, monitoring Y/N's temperature and providing him with the care he needed. She knew that fevers were often a sign of the body fighting off illness, and she remained steadfast in her determination to see him through this challenging time.

Throughout the night, Gwen gently rocked and comforted Y/N, her touch and presence offering a calming effect. She alternated between singing soft lullabies, humming gentle tunes, and whispering words of love, each action infused with a mother's unwavering devotion.

As dawn broke, Y/N's fever began to break as well. Gwen felt a wave of relief wash over her, knowing that her soothing efforts had made a difference. Y/N's breathing became more steady, his little body gradually relaxing as he drifted into a peaceful slumber.

Gently returning Y/N to his crib, Gwen tucked him in with care, ensuring he was comfortable and safe. She placed a loving kiss on his forehead, a silent promise that she would always be there to comfort and protect him.

With the morning light streaming through the window, Gwen sighed deeply, her heart filled with gratitude for the opportunity to be Y/N's mother. She knew that there would be many more challenges and moments of worry along their journey together, but she also knew that her love and nurturing presence would guide them through it all.

As the day unfolded, Gwen continued to monitor Y/N's condition, providing him with the necessary care and attention. She remained by his side, offering comfort and support, knowing that her love was the best medicine she could give.

In their shared space, filled with warmth and unconditional love, Gwen and Y/N found solace amidst the uncertainty of the fever. Their bond grew stronger, their connection deepening with each passing moment, as they navigated the ups and downs of parenthood together.

And in the face of challenges and adversity, Gwen remained a steady presence, offering unwavering love and care to her beloved child. For she understood that in those moments of vulnerability, her comforting touch and tender words could work wonders.

Mother spider. (Spider-Gwen x baby reader)Where stories live. Discover now