Lucy :// Migraines

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A/N; umm hi? Sorry I just kind of ghosted everyone, I wasn't in the right headspace for writing and I miss it so I'm here once more! If you know me from other works, I promise your requests and updates are coming soon! x

Also don't forget to leave a request on my requests chapter, thank you my loves x

Hope you enjoy! X

"Lockwood! No! Fucks sake, how can you fight ghosts but then are not able to make bloody toast without burning it to a crisp? Honestly. No! Don't eat it you blimming psycho!" Lockwood laughed. "I don't know George, how can you cook so amazingly but then you're not able to put on pyjamas?" Lucy heard laughter ring out like an earthquake from downstairs as music blared and she groaned to herself. Bloody idiots shouting at each other early on a Saturday morning, which didn't contribute very well to the fact that Lucy had a pounding headache, most likely a migraine and all she wanted to do was sleep in on her day off and wish this migraine away.

But no.

George and Lockwood seemingly had other ideas, if their hollering in the kitchen and blasting music was anything to come by. Groggily, Lucy sat up and threw on a pair of leggings and a jumper she had worn the day before, left hand now moving to massage her temple as she slowly walked down the stairs, finding if she moved too quickly or suddenly the pound in her head would worsen significantly. She reached the bottom of the stairs, pulling the sleeves of her jumper over her hands, continuing walking into the kitchen where the two boys still stood, shouting like their lives solely depended upon it. "Morning Luce! Fancy a cuppa?" Lockwood, chipper as ever. Lucy would've normally smiled back, but the music and Lockwood's voice were far too loud for her liking.

She shook her head, instead taking a seat at the kitchen table, resting her head in her arms hoping to create some darkness. The lights were too bright, the birds were too loud, the clanking of George's metal spoon as he stirred his tea was driving her up the wall, Lockwood's singing was just the icing on the bloody cake. It was all fucking with her head. Lucy could practically feel George and Lockwood's curious eyes boring into her but she decided to ignore it for now. The pair then proceeded to chat abnormally loudly over breakfast and at some point along the way Lucy couldn't deal with it anymore. "Can you two shut the fuck up?! Honestly!" Lucy didn't quite know what came over her, but she winced at the volume of her own voice.

"Jesus Luce, what's got you in a mood?" Somehow this response from Lockwood aggravated her even more. "Oh I'll tell you! my head is throbbing and I wake up to you two hollering at eight in the morning with music blaring like we're in some kind of club!" She had now risen from her seat, clutching at the table like it was her life-support. "Sorry, sorry...I'm going to bed, just please stop with the shouting and the loud music." Lucy's voice now quiet, she was tired and didn't want to argue about anything anymore.

She trudged up the stairs once more and practically collapsed onto her bed, she heard George downstairs a disappointed and sort of angry tone about him, Lockwood was firing answers back at him. She heard some snippets of sentences like "You buggering idiot", "Make it up", "Help out" Lucy didn't hear much else, her eyelids feeling incredibly heaving. She shuffled underneath the covers, pulling them up to her chin and hoping this migraine would leave her alone.

Lucy awoke to the gentle creaking of floorboards nearing her bed, she squinted her tired eyes trying to make out who was placing a tray on her bedside table. It was Lockwood. "Oh, hey Luce...sorry I woke you. How're you feeling?" Lucy tried to smile but it turned into a grimace as she felt the pain in her head still very much present.


"Like my head got smacked into a wall." Lockwood took a glass of water and what looked like tablets from the tray on the bedside and handed them to Lucy. "Take these, they'll help. Promise."Lucy took them without fuss, willing to try anything to get rid of this migraine. "I'm sorry about being an arse earlier, I didn't realise you felt that shifty." Lockwood apologised and Lucy waved him off, signalling it was okay. "Hey, lay down, I have an idea." Lucy was confused but obliged anyway, letting Lockwood pull her shoulders so her head was now laying in his lap.

"Mum used to do this for me all the time when I got migraines, she said it helped because your brain couldn't fully comprehend the two directions at once so in turn you're so focused on that you forget about the pain." One of Lockwood's hands moved in a calming circular motion on her temple while the other in upward and downward motions. Believe it or not he was right, the pain in her head was slowly subsiding due to Lockwood's magic fingers and as the medicine began to work she found herself falling asleep in Lockwood's lap.

Shit did this mean she liked Lockwood?

A/N: Hope you enjoyed! I liked that one, let me know what you thought! Don't forget to leave any requests on that chapter if you have any because I don't have anymore ideas x

Should I do pt2? Yes or no?

Hope you enjoyed!

All the love ❤️

Cali x

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⏰ Última actualización: Jul 02, 2023 ⏰

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