Boat Day

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Imagine you and Harry had 3 kids making you a family of 5. You had twin boys and a girl, Landon, Wesley, and Polly. The boys are 5 and your daughter is 2.

Harry was sitting in his chair at the lake house reading his book when Polly approached him.
"Daddy, boat?" She asked. He took off his reading glasses and bookmarked his place before setting the book down. "You wanna go on the boat?" He asked her. "I go on the tubey." Polly chimed. "You're still too little to go on the tube, baby. I'm sorry but you can drive with daddy, okay?" He said. "Otay!" Polly smiled.

As you all changed into your swimsuits the kids all began to run towards the dock. "Hold it, rugrats." Harry called, they came to a halt. "Life jackets first." He said as he opened the small trunk that had everyone's life jackets.

You all had climbed onto the dock before Harry lifted you and the kids into the motorboat as the boys began to fight over being the captain of the boat for the day, something Harry had roped them into. "I call captain!" Wes shouted. "No, Wes got to be captain last time!" Landon whined. "Alright, alright. Since you boys get to ride the tube, it's Polly's turn to be the captain today." The boys pouted but soon accepted it since they were told that if they didn't stop then they would go back inside. "Alright, Ms. Polly. You're in charge." Harry told Polly as he put the captain's cap over her small head. She giggled as the hat fell over her eyes, Harry chuckled along with her.

You were all out in the middle of the lake after the boys had taken a turn riding the tube. Harry decided to just relax out on the water. You sat on Harry's lap just talking as the boys and Polly laid out in the sun on the tube. Harry noticed that the sky was getting a little grey as the clouds covered the sun before deciding it was time to go in.

You were pulling the kids to get back into the boat while Harry pulled up the anchor before the kids started fighting about who got to get on the boat first. "No!" Polly whined. "What's going on back there?" Harry asked. "Wesley, do not push your sister. You had turned your head to go grab some towels for them as Polly fussed, "Whatever's going on back there, cut it out now." Harry said sternly. You heard Polly's screech before big thud and a splash followed, you gasped as you saw Wesley had pushed Polly into the water. "Polly!" You shouted. Harry turned his shoulder to see Polly in the water crying. He didn't hesitate to drop the anchor before he dove in to grab Polly before Harry lifted her back into the boat. "Come here, peanut." He wrapped a towel around her as Polly continued to cry. Harry was so furious he didn't know what to say except raising his voice at the boys telling them to sit down and to wait until you the got back to the house.

When you arrived back at the house you all went inside to dry off and change into your regular clothes. You were changing Polly into her clothes she was still fussing as you noticed her pulling at her ear before you saw a little bit of blood coming out of it. Your eyes widened. "Harry?!" You called out. He came running into the room. "Her ear is bleeding." "Hold on, Pol." "I think she has a ruptured eardrum. He made the decision to take her to the emergency room to make sure it wasn't anything serious. "I've got her. You stay with the boys."

Polly fussed the entire visit at to emergency room. Her eardrum was ruptured but she would soon heal in three to six weeks with the antibiotics she was prescribed.

Harry brought her back to the cabin walking through the front door. "Harry?" You called out as you heard the door open. He walked into the kitchen. "Hi, how was it?" You asked. "Well, she doesn't have a concussion but she has a ruptured eardrum." He explained. "Oh my poor, baby!" You took her from Harry hugging her. Harry noticed how tired Polly was getting as she rubbed her eyes before suggesting getting her to bed.

You came back to the kitchen after putting Polly down for the night. Harry was leaning his elbows on the island table with his head in his hands. You walked over to him. "Babe, are you okay?" You asked placing a hand on his back. "I'm just..a little stressed." He admitted. "It's okay, Polly's gonna be just fine." You reassured. "I know she is, but I'm still upset. That shouldn't have happened!" He began to raise his voice. Harry then made the decision that he need to get some air. He began to walk towards the door. "Where are you going?" You asked. "I'm gonna go take a walk." He said before leaving out the door. You were gonna let him cool off a bit when you heard Wesley's meek voice. "Mummy?" He asked. Wes came peaking out of the corner."What is it, Wes?" You answered. "Is daddy mad at me?" He asked. "No, Wes. But I think it's time to give you a talk. Can you go get Landon for me, Bubba?" You asked before he sauntered away to go get his brother.

Landon came running into the kitchen as Wesley followed behind him. "What's up, mumma?" Landon asked. "I wanna talk with you and Wes about something. Come sit down.." You said calling them over to the dining table. "Are we in trouble?" Landon asked. "No, I just want to talk to you about what happened today. Is there a reason why you pushed Polly off the boat, Wesley?" You asked. "She pinched me and it made me mad." He told you. "Bubba, if you're mad, you tell Mumma or Daddy and we can help you. You know we have our rules, right?" The boys both nodded. "What are the 3 P's?" You asked. "No pinching, no punching, and no pushing." The spoke in unison. "Exactly." You spoke. "I know it's not easy getting along with the younger sibling, I'm sure Aunt Gemma had hard time getting along with daddy." You told them before Harry walked in through the sliding door behind them. "Your mum's right boys.." Harry spoke. The boys both turned their head back. "Really?" Landon asked. "Yea, I was a big pain in the butt. But you both need to be nice to Polly because she loves you boys and you love her, don't you?" He asked, the boys nodded. "If anything you two are supposed that protect her. How would you feel if it had been one of your friends who pushed her off the boat?" Harry asked. "Mad, I'd want to punch them." Wesley said. "Exactly, you wouldn't like that. Even though we just said we don't punch. If it's not okay for your friends to do it then why is it okay for you to do it?" You asked.

You finished your talk and sent Landon to go get ready for bed. "Wes, stay here for a minute Bub." You asked. Harry came to sit down next to you at the dining table. "Today could've ended so badly, I just want to make sure you're clear on what we talked about." You spoke, he nodded. "Daddy and I love you so much, we don't want anything to happen to any of you. So what you did on the boat today, that can't happen again. Okay?" You spoke. "Okay, mumma." He replied. "Good. Okay, go get ready for bed." You said before Wesley took off to head upstairs. "I'm gonna go check on our girl." Harry said getting up and walking out of the kitchen.

Harry walked upstairs and into Polly's bedroom to see her lying down in her crib still awake. "Hi, princess. How's your ear?" He asked. "Owwie." She started pulling at her earlobe. "I know, baby.." She began to cry. "Shh, it's okay." He placed his hand on her cheek softly caressing it before he began to sing her favorite song, Sweet Creature.  He softly sang to her until she fell asleep.

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