Alone Time

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Your mother in law had picked up your 3 daughters to spend the night knowing it had been a long while since you and Harry had last spent some alone time with just the two of you. You were now left to a quiet empty house. "So, what should we do now?" He asks. "When was the last time we had any alone time?" You ask him. "Gosh, I think before the girls were born." He replied. "Well, I was thinking.." You take a step closer to him. "The girls are with your mother. You know, an empty house? No responsibilities for the night." You began to unbutton his jeans. We should take advantage of that, shouldn't we?" You whisper in his ear as you start to palm him through his briefs. He softly moaned. He then lifted you from the floor as he carried you over to the couch. He laid you down before began to undress yourselves.

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