Kiss It Better

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Imagine Harry in the kitchen making lunch when his 2 year old daughter, Ella comes toddling over from the corner humming. "Hi, lady bug." Harry said. "Dada lunch." She asked. "Are you hungry, baby?" He asked. "Yea!" She chimed. He took a small piece of bread and put it in her mouth. He then opened the drawer to get a butterknife. He didn't notice that her head was right there so he accidentally hit her head with the drawer knocking her over before she cried. "Oh, Franny." He frowned before picking her up. "It's okay, peanut. I'm sorry." He consoled her. "Let me have a look, baby." He said setting her on the counter. He observed her forehead that had a small pink mark as it was starting to bruise. "Oh bebe.." Ella continued to cry as he picked her back up to grab the ice bag from the fridge. He grabbed the ice and took her into the living room as he sat on the recliner chair holding the ice pack to her head. "Shhh..oh you poor thing. Daddy's sorry, baby." He said as he softly rocked the recliner.

About 20 minutes later, the ice bag was beginning to melt as Ella tried to push the bag away from her face. "Alright, let's have a look." Harry said setting the bag down on the arm of the recliner before he saw the little goose egg bump that had formed on her forehead, "Ouchie." She said. "Do you want daddy to kiss it better?" He asked. "Kiss it better." She repeated before he softly pressed his lips to her cold forehead.

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