15 - Leon

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You weren't entirely sure how long you had been unconscious, or how you had even fallen unconscious in the first place, but when you awoke, you definitely did not like your surroundings.

In any other circumstance, it would have been a nice room. Big ass bed, nice, comfy sheets.

Except, your wrists were kinda chained down. You yanked against the chains, testing to see if they would give, and unsurprisingly, they didn't.

You were dressed in a white robe, of course, and Ashley was being held over a pot at the foot of your bed.

"What the fuck?" You asked, scanning over the room.

There were three Ganados, including the two that held Ashley in place, and Saddler. Of course. Ashley squirmed in their grip, muttering panicked pleas and sobs that broke your heart.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" You wiggled urgently as a Ganado with a huge ax stepped towards Ashley.

She panicked even more, and they yanked her violently to pacify her.

"Stop, stop! Don't hurt her!"

"Oh, but you know we must," Saddler sighed. "It will be painless, I assure you —"

"It's for fertility, right?" You asked.

You prayed silently that it would buy her time. Saddler held up his hand, and the Ganado stopped.

"Indeed. Do you have something to say?"

"The ritual is pointless."

Saddler tilted his head.

"And why is that?" He stepped forward in intrigue, putting a hand up to his chin as he pondered your words with interest.

"Because I can't be fertile," you seethed.

"What..?" Ashley's voice came as a whisper.

She looked absolutely mortified.

"I don't have a uterus."

Saddler gasped in shock, obviously displeased, and signaled for the Ganado to drop the ax. Everyone was staring at you.

"How is this possible? Mother, you should not lie—" Saddler's face became enraged, gripping his fists together.

He moved even closer to you, and you could hear the curdling sound of his teeth grinding together in his mouth.

"No! No, I'm not lying. I haven't had it for years. It's why I coughed the plaga up," you argued, trying to reason with him. "See? The ritual is pointless! Now let Ashley go!"

Saddler pondered for a short while.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Ashley suddenly sobbed.

"Because Saddler was listening!" You yelled. "I couldn't risk —"

"This could have ended so much quicker!" Ashley shook with the force of her sobs.

The Ganados tightened their hold on her as she hung her head over the pot.

"Ashley, I —"

"Why!?" Her cries echoed throughout the room.

She looked at you with utter betrayal and disbelief, still sobbing as tears ran down her cheeks. They reminded you of just how young she was.

Still, you couldn't help but feel frustrated. You knew Saddler would have captured you either way. Telling her and Leon would've only risked the mission, and the last bit of your damn sanity.

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