8 - The Partner

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The courtyard was rather pretty. Had a nice medieval feel to it. Had a pond, a few statues of naked women, the works. It frustrated you that Luis wasn't there, but you couldn't find it in your heart to be mad at him. You were too paranoid.

Leon led you to a room with a purple torch, and the Shopkeeper sure was a sight for sore eyes. You purchased a vest for Leon, and some more ammo for you. The trade was short, but you were more than satisfied with what you came up with. You left the merchant with a cheery smile, which would soon be wiped off your face.

You followed the stone path out of the courtyard in search of Ashley, only to be brought to a shrine. None of the men whispering noticed you, too deep in the space, you guessed. You walked past them, into another room, and then hopped off the edge of the path. You landed on the ground floor, and crept towards a deep voice, Leon close behind.

A man in red robes chanted in Spanish, before slamming his stick of sorts down. The people in the room turned into those stupid twisty things. You were yet to be noticed, so you just crept by the ritual, until a Ganado spotted you.

"Sorry to interrupt!" Leon barked, swinging his knife.

You killed the man in red while Leon killed... everything else. It really wasn't hard. He was just a man. You scampered up some stairs which led to a loft, killed the Ganados on top, and then pulled a lever, which sent the chandelier in the middle of the room crashing to the ground, killing what was left of the Ganados on the ground floor.

The room stilled, and you sighed, rubbing your eyes. Leon picked the crimson lantern up off the corpse of the man in red, and walked back to the room you had originally been in. You followed behind, and watched as he put the lantern in the statue's hand.

The door between the two statues opened, and you slipped inside. One door in the room led back to the ritual, the other was locked, and the third led to a pathway. You and Leon continued on, eyes peeling for a girl in orange.

"Sing a new song, Chiquita."

"Don't," Leon ordered, coming up on a door and pushing it open.

It creaked, and you groaned.

"You're no fun," you had already deemed the room as safe, leaning against a wall.

"Says the woman who's been told multiple times she's supposed to give birth to a fucked up baby Jesus," he kept his gun raised as you crossed your arms.

You scoffed, turning away.

"You can stop right there, Leon."

Oh, you knew that voice.

"Wouldn't make me use this, would you?" Ada took a step closer to Leon, pointing her gun at Leon's nape.

He dropped his handgun, and unhidable smirk on his face.

"Well, after a year, that is one hell of a greeting..."

"You don't seem surprised," Ada smirked. "Interesting."

"Can I Mc-Fuckin' help you?" You called from your corner, and Leon engaged.

He and Ada started their little foreplay, which they always do, swinging knives and what not. Someone might have even thought they were fighting for real.

"Try using knives next time. Better for close encounters," he smirked.

"If you two are done," you pushed yourself up off the wall, making your way towards the open door.

"Good to see you, officer," she tossed something your way, and you caught it. "Give those to Luis next time you see him."

You gripped the box of cigarettes, staring at the label. These things were shit. Oh, whatever. Who were you to judge? Ada clearly gave them to you to show that she was working with him, and plant suspicions in your brain.

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