11 - Luis

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"Why help us, though? What's in it for you?" Leon questioned.

"No need to be suspicious," Luis joked. "Unless, of course, this is your dame. Then yes," he threw an arm around your shoulders. "You should be scared."

Leon grimaced as you chuckled bashfully. You began your trek to the surface, waving at the merchant as you passed by. He gave you a wink, promising new deals, but you were confident that Ashley was a tad more important than tuning up your handgun.

Leon walked to a ladder, and climbed it quickly. He finally spat out what was bothering him.

"Little hard to put my faith in someone who used to work for Umbrella," Leon said as you came up on the platform, Luis behind.

"So you heard, huh?" Luis asked. "Umbrella's done for. You don't need to worry about them anymore."

You thought back to the horrors of Raccoon City, and then turned to Luis. How could such a charming man aid in creating such monstrous creatures? Oh, who were you kidding?

But genuinely, Luis seemed like a nice guy.

"You didn't answer my question," Leon pressed. "What are you after?"

"I just want to feel good about myself. Make amends. Or something like that," the Spaniard shrugged.

You followed Leon down the railroad tracks, and into the tunnel that they led into. Bats screeched, and your footsteps echoed.

"Hey! Since when was this a dead end?" Luis questioned as you came upon a boarded up area. "This used to lead to the exit."

There were dynamite sticks laid around haphazardly, and you figured your best bet was to detonate it. Leon led you down a separate path, and soon the angry sounds of Ganados filled your ears.

"Looks like we've got company. What do you want to do?" Luis asked from behind you.

"Maybe kill them?" You suggested, and hopped over a small fence.

The boys followed behind as you shot at the few Ganados that had flaming torches, setting them on fire.

The sound of a chainsaw caught your ear, and you lept into action, taking the Ganado head on. Luis tried to protest, but he was too caught up in avoiding sticks of dynamite. Leon was taking out angry women left and right, and he wondered if it was a bad omen. When you did have the chainsaw one down, you ran up a staircase, fighting off the Ganados that got too close.

Another chainsaw began to approach, and you quickly took it out, hand grenades being your life vest. You continued to run around on your little platform, the boys fighting for their lives below, until you spotted a lever. You pulled it, and red lights began to flash. That did something.

You ran back down onto the floor, killing Ganados only for a moment.

"Señorita, I really must —"

"Just let her do her own thing," Leon advised. "You know how women are. Saves us time."

You ran across the bridge, and were swamped with Ganados. You went straight to shooting and kicking, fighting for your freedom. When you forced yourself into the room they clearly didn't want you in, you found their little dynamite stash. Perfect.

You shot down any remaining Ganados, before hurrying back to the blocked railway, calling for the boys.

"This way!"

"Huh?" Luis whipped around.

"Come on!" Leon grabbed him by the arm.

By the time they caught up with you, the dynamite was already set to blow, and you were backing the hell up.

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