Chapter Four: we never go out of style

Start from the beginning

I see a little confusion on Gracie's face. Hear murmurs around me, but I'm only faintly aware of the crowd and how quiet the room has grown around me. Behind him, Billy stares at me. His eyes narrowing, his lips twitching into a smirk.

"L...Lola?" Lachlan whispers. His familiar deep voice hits me at the knees. I feel like I could just topple to the ground. The room erupts into whispers, and I hear something that sounds like a pained duck coming from Mary.

"Hi... Lach."

Gracie looks up at me, her smile returning.

"Mummy! You're here. Look, look who Toby brought with him!"

Lachlan turns, glancing between me and my daughter. His eyes widen in surprise. Emotions flicker across his face as understanding drops. Billy glances at Lachlan and then walks closer, sinks down next to Gracie and Toby, making a point of talking to them.

"Hey kids, you wanna know..."

With Gracie and Toby distracted by Billy, Lachlan walks forward and I've definitely forgotten how to breathe. He smiles gently as he reaches me, his hands stuffed into his pockets. He'd always been big. Even at eighteen, he'd been as broad and tall as a man a decade older, but now he takes up so much space. I feel tiny in front of him, and I think I like it.

"This is a surprise," he mutters.

"Just a little."

Silence hangs gently between us as we gaze at each other. Taking in the parts of us that were the same, and the parts that were new.

"You look amazing, Lo."

I laugh, but really I want to cry because I can hear the sincerity in his words. And I'd missed that part of him so much. I look terrible. I haven't slept, my hair is greasy, and I look as sick as I feel. But his gaze is so intent, so earnest, I look away.

"Thank you," I say finally. "And you look terrible," I tease, and his lip quirks, making my stomach flip. He looks incredible. I could never imagine anyone making my stomach flip the way the boy could, but the man, well, he is something else.

"Lach?" Billy calls. He's moved onto another bed, and he beckons Lach over to another smiling child. A teenage boy who like Gracie and Toby knows more about boxing than anyone should. Lachlan nods at me and walks back over to Billy. Leaving me so full of memories and feelings, I feel like I could drown in them.


This can't be a coincidence?

Now the initial shock of seeing him had passed. There was the only thought ticking through my brain. What are the chances of Lachlan being here today? When it's only been days since I agreed to investigate him for Chelsea? The thought was like sludge churning in my stomach. I was lingering in the back of the room, trying to avoid Mary, who was now sitting with Gracie and who keeps trying to make eye contact. Lachlan had spoken to all the kids now. Some I knew, some I didn't - all the boxing fans who regularly stayed on the ward that Toby had arranged for Lachlan to meet as part of his charity work. Cameras flash as Lachlan poses with one kid. His tired parents smile as they take photos. His ease with people, his confidence. It wasn't unexpected, but it was new. The kids adored him, and it wasn't hard to see why.

Emma appears by my side, chuckling softly.

"Well, that was an interesting turn of events," I put my hand over my eyes.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't know Toby was arranging for Lachlan to come here. Obviously, if I'd known I would have said something... I'm so sorry. Did I ruin it?" Emma shakes her head and laughs. She puts up a hand.

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