1. Character Roles

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Every character in a story has a specific role to play in it. Where there are roles, there are rules and obligations to follow. Even background characters have their five rules to abide by...


"Wow! All the flowers are in full bloom tonight." I slowly spun around on my heels admiring the seemingly endless rows of beautiful cherry blossoms on either side of the pathway. "They're so beautiful..."

"Not as beautiful as you." A deep silky voice drew my attention towards its owner who was slowly walking towards me.

"DaeWon! When did you get here?"

"Just a few minutes ago." He stopped a few inches in front of me. His eyes never leaving mine. "You look cute so I didn't want to disturb you."

I felt my cheeks heating up. "Oh, Dae. You shouldn't say things like that! You know I get flustered easily...."

He giggled a little before leaning in closer towards my face. I took a step back, surprised by the sudden closeness. "What are you doing?!"

"Admiring your flushed face a little closer." He stated so ever casually and leaned in a bit more.

I instantly looked away feeling my entire face burning up as my heart hammered in my chest. "P-please stop! My face is probably a tomato right now."

"That's what I love to see."

I suddenly felt his arms wrapping around my waist, drawing me closer to him. I almost melted in the warmth of his embrace as it protected my petite body from the night air. His perfectly handsome face and beautiful eyes seemed to have put me in a trance as my body unconsciously leaned forward, erasing the space between us. I close my eyes waiting for his lips to reach mine...


But that part was suddenly interrupted...

Anya blinked her eyes open and began looking around the clubroom. "Hm... I could've sworn I heard-"


Startled, her head snapped to the sound in front of her which revealed her very irritated, best friend "CASS!".

From her position on the floor, the anger on Cass's face looked even more terrifying as she loomed over her. "I-I didn't know you were here. Hehe..." the poor bookworm stuttered.

"Why did I have a feeling you would be in here?" Cass pinched the bridge of her nose. "Is this your second home now?"

Anya giggled nervously, "It's a safe house for me. Plus it has great music playing next door-" She instantly turned towards the wall when she realized the room was quiet. "Wait... Did the piano from the other room stop playing? I was really enjoying that song."

Cass held up a hand to stop her friend from getting sidetracked. "Save your excuses for another time. We have to get to class, you bookworm!"

"Oh right. I forgot about that..." She wasn't ready to be pulled from her fantasies just yet, so she tried convincing Cass to stay. "Can I just read a few more lines? I think DaeWon was about to kiss Faye-"

"No more reading! You already made us late for class three times already!" Arms crossed; she was determined not to be swayed by the pleading looks.

Anya gasped dramatically, "Are you preventing me from reading?! You're going to deprive me of the knowledge of great literature and limit my imagination?"

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