Chapter 13 - Weaker Than Ever

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"Felicia? Do you have a moment for me?" Danial asked.

Felicia turned to face him, they just have been on a mission to eliminate certain monsters in a village area. Danial noticed that Felicia's attitude was quite stern towards him and her powers were quite different, lately. Danial assumed that he had some difficulties going on, and as a good friend, he decided to ask about it and offer a helping hand.

"What?" Felicia replied with a furrowed eyebrows.

"Are you alright? You seem weird for the past few days.."  Danial asked as he stepped closer to her. His face showed that he was absolutely worried and afraid that if he did something wrong to her it make her behave like this.

"Weird? Like what? I can assure you I am being normal." Felicia said, from her manner, Danial knew that she'd been avoiding the question and him.

"You've been quiet and... I don't know, is there something that I did? If there is any please tell me, Felicia. I may not realize if it offends you in any way." Danial soothed her hoping she would talk it out.

Felicia paused, her heart softened. She opened her mouth, wanting to tell the truth. But none of her voices came out, she held it back. Thinking it would make it worse, she decided to handle it herself.

"What are you talking about?" She declared while turning away, grabbed her axe and vanished it with a swing.

'There she is, again... always dodging my questions with another reckless question..' Danial thought. He closed his eyes, attempting to calm his cracking heart.

He sighed. He undoubtedly knew there was something wrong, she had known Felicia for 300 years since they started to work together. He knew how she acted, how she behaved, how she talked, and how she fought. There was no way she could fool him with those silly excuses.

"You know you can talk to me right, I've said it hundreds of times... you can share your problems with me... I am your closest friend yet, I will help you." Danial comforted her, placed his hand on her sturdy shoulder, and fixated his green eyes on her golden ones.

'I just can't..' Felicia voiced in her mind, avoiding his eyes.

Felicia hissed through her fangs, she didn't know how to flee from this without hurting Danial's feelings even more. When then, a single thunder blared into the sky. 

With a sigh of relief, she gazed upon the skies, noting the dark clouds gathering overhead and the approaching sound of thunder. "It seems like it's going to rain soon," she said, feeling thankful that she was able to escape the tense situation before things escalated further.

Felicia seized the opportunity to leave as swiftly as possible. Snatching her bag from the ground, she quickly slung it over her shoulder, giving Danial the slip and making her escape from the scene. 

"You don't wanna get drenched, so... let's head to each other's home." Felicia added, giving a playful punch on her best friend's shoulder.

Danial felt wretched, but he did not want to force her. Maybe she needed more time, and so he let it go for a while, the green sorcerer thought.

"Yeah, See you tomorrow," Danial said with a bittersweet smile.

Felicia returned with a fake one.  

 As the intense fight continued, Felicia's eyes caught a silhouette. Suddenly, she spots a shadowy figure lurking behind a tree nearby, watching the fierce encounter with an uncanny interest. The stranger's presence sends a chill down her spine, and her senses are instantly hypervigilant.

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