Eight | Ointment On Wounds

Start from the beginning

"What the—"

"Haww!", I said dramatically, "Raghuvanshi and cussing! Such a shame."

He looked at me with a confused expression, absolutely bewildered at my other worldly stupidity.

"I was going to say heck, but anyways.", He said sighing in exasperation.
"Move aside, I need my stuff.", He said, yet again.
"I shall not move.", I said, trying to sound determined.

He edged closer, looking like a hungry lion.

"Get out of my way, now.", He said sharply.

"You-you have promised. You cannot touch me.", I mumbled awkwardly.
He looked to a side, taking a step back, holding the knob of the cupboard with his left hand. His hand right beside my neck.

"Listen, Devika, I am losing my patience. Okay? Stop—"

I noticed his right hand, still injured.
I immediately held his hand.

He yanked it away, as if he had felt some kind of a current shock.

"What are you even doing?!", He asked, irritably.
"It is paining, isn't it?", I asked, genuinely concerned.

I couldn't help but feel teeny bit of sympathy for him.
Just a teeny bit, but it was there.

"Not your business.", He said sharply.
"Of course, it is my business. As much as you hate it, you made me your wife. It is my business.", I stated fiercely.

He fell silent immediately.

I took his hand on mine.

"You know if you don't treat this you might have an infection?", I asked, half annoyed with his ignorance.

"Where is the first aid?", I demanded.

He looked at me, as if in shock.
In sheer disbelief.

After a moment he indicated the small table beside the bed.
I immediately pulled out the first aid box.

As much as I hated him, and everything about him - I couldn't let anyone be in that much pain.
Even if it was the beast.

He stared at me, in silence.
Almost observant.

"Kindly sit here and do us all a favour, Your Highness.", I said sarcastically.

I was expecting him to angry or something, but he simply obeyed.
He sat before me on the bed.
I sat down beside him and opened the box.

"Why are you doing this, Devika?", He asked softly.
I looked up irritably.
"Because unlike you I am a good person. I don't hurt anybody neither can I see anyone hurt.", I said clearly.

He said nothing as I slowly applied the ointment.

He hissed in pain.

"When you apply the ointment there is a little pain. It will be okay.", I said drawing in a deep breath, carefully putting the ointment.

"If the ointment more than the wound itself, then what is the point?", He asked, hissing in pain.

I sighed.

"The pain due to the ointment is  temporary. It is for a short time. But if you keep the wound untended to in fear of the pain the ointment will give, it will keep getting more serious.", I said as I carefully did my job,
"And if it is too late then the wound might get so bad that no ointment can heal it."

I glanced up.
His lips curved into a smile, a tragic smile. The edges of his eyes twinkled with moisture.

No. The beast had a heart.

I pretended to not see.

"But what is the guarantee that the ointment will heal? Say I have the ointment.. but.. I don't know if I should apply it on my wounds.", He said softly.

He is not talking about oinments.

"Then you must give it a try. If you don't try, you will never know.", I said.

I pulled out the bandage and cotton and wrapped it carefully on his hand.

I finally looked up.
A tear slid down his left eye, he immediately wiped it with his other hand.

I noticed the cut mark on his neck.

"You did not even tend to this.", I said noticing it, not quite pleased.

"I don't like to tend to them. Wounds are the jewellery of a Rajput.", He said, clearing his throat.

Ignoring him, I took some oinment on my finger.
I was about to apply it on the side of his neck when he abruptly held my hand with his free hand.

He removed his right hand from my lap.

"Do not.", He said sharply, looking me in the eye.
"It will heal.", I said, as a matter of fact.
"I don't want it to.", He stated coldly.

I sighed.

He stood up, going back to his beast mode.
"I will send Santosh, give him all my suits.", Saying so he strode out of the room.

I watched him go.

Next day, when Santosh came, he took his Raja ji's suits as well as the photo albums.

But I realised one thing.

He did not just marry me randomly. There was purpose behind everything he did.


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