14. It's one of the biggest parties of the year, when thousands of people from all over the world gather to watch the Ball Drop in Times Square, NYC. But New Years' Eve, 2018, also sees the debut of a new street drug coined 'Hiipe'. Whilst the initial effects - the high, the euphoria - are near-instant and last for several days, those who partake experience the mother of all come-downs for they become literal zombies, mindless pack animals with a single, deadly goal; to create more of their kind through bite or scratch. By the time the come-down kicks in it's too late to prevent the ensuing troubles. The hundreds and thousands who took Hiipe have already made their way home, wherever in the world home is for them. It's global. It's a pandemic. It's the motherfreaking Zombie Apocalypse...

15. You have an unnatural curiosity; a fascination with the unexplained. Being a cryptozoologist has not been easy, and you're tired of hearing the term 'pseudoscience'. Years of research, urban exploration and digging through subreddits, you finally find the evidence you had been searching for your entire career. You hurry to recruit and acquire everything you need for the expedition. After this, if successful, you will no longer be the laughing stock of the scientific community. Upon arrival, you soon realize that some things are better left unknown and unseen. Your expedition takes an unexpected turn of events when you find out that those creepypasta stories weren't just stories...

16. A vanished girl, a trail of red flower petals that lead nowhere, and a new mysterious neighbour have all appeared in your town in a span of one week. The child's disappearance wouldn't have affected you as much if it isn't for the fact she is your younger sister. And you wouldn't have stopped to stare at your new neighbor if it isn't for the fact she looks like an older version of someone you once held very dear...

17. You're a tarot reader who keeps drawing the same card over and over again. One day you see a man with the card tattooed on him. Write about what happens when the man comes to you for a tarot card reading, and what happens afterwards...

18. To save their beloved, an anti-hero becomes the stealer of souls of the rich and corrupt -- a kind of Robin Hood of life energy. Though desperate and forlorn, the anti-hero's beloved recovers their soul from sickness, but with the burden of the stolen souls' corrupt wickedness.

19. He just recently got his memories back -- everything that was important to him and everything that should have stayed forgotten, rushed back. The detective told him of your whereabouts and now he's on his way to you. Who are you to him? And why is he looking for you?

20. You've been in an orphanage for as long you can remember. Every year, on your birthday, there was always a small pile of gifts by the foot of the bed. A medium sized gift caught your attention, wrapped in a perfectly crisp brown paper. You opened it and a blood-curdling scream erupted throughout the room. What could it be? What happens next?

21. The last six months have been a nightmare. After facing a series of personal setbacks you find yourself living on the street. You have found some peace in the homeless shelter of your city. However, it does not go unnoticed that in the last few weeks some of the regulars have disappeared. Doing one of your rounds through the city, you find one of your former refuge companions, who seems to have lost his mind. He/she warns you not to return to that place where in the middle of the night, faceless creatures steal your blood consume your soul. You have returned to the shelter only to discover that you have been assigned the room that once belonged to that person who once warned you... what will you discover?

22. The Old Henderson House is actually a gateway to a hell dimension of unspeakable terror, pain and torment. Well that has to be a load of old hokey, doesn't it?

23. Determined to prove everyone wrong, a child sets off on the adventure of a lifetime, to show the world that unicorns really do exist...

24. On a full moon night, the Dark Lord gains an unimaginable force and successfully surpasses the gates of hell, summoning his Darklings along as he descends toward a fragile planet called Earth. A sudden darkness takes over your kingdom. Echoes of terror fill the air. It's time you revive the darkest side of you that everyone fears to conquer the Dark Lord. You have to do whatever it takes to save your kingdom and your loved ones. But, are you willing to take the risk?

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