Back At It

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3rd Person's POV:

Scarlett walked towards her wife who is sitting on the couch they have in their covered porch, looking over the ocean that's in front of them.

Taking a deep breath, she sat behind her wife who is smiling to herself as she held up her phone to take a video of Avery.

Her body instantly magnetized to her wife's, as her hands both made its way around Y/n's middle body, holding her tightly enough for Y/n to automatically lean her back to Scarlett's front.

Scarlett put a lingering kiss on Y/n's temple, before Y/n spoke, "What's that call about?" Y/n spoke quietly as she looked through the video she took of Avery, playing at the shore.

Y/n felt Scarlett's hold tighten a little around her, as she felt Scarlett leaned her cheek on Y/n's head.

"Lucy called..." Scarlett started as Y/n shut her phone off, putting it on top of Scarlett's.

"Oh... What did you guys talked about?" Scarlett heard the edge on her wife's voice, and she almost reconsidered the decision she will be making.

But, with enough courage, for her wife and her daughter, she stayed put.

"She said that the media has gotten worse... it's almost- it's already out of their control, but they're already trying their very best, it's just that, she said that they're not showing signs that they will stop soon, and it might get worse." Y/n hummed, getting a little worried for her family.

"You guys might get involved if I don't stop them anytime soon. They already came up to so many plans and ideas, they only need my agreement. And about the off I'm having -if you're gonna ask about that- they said that we don't have to worry about it, because after we've done everything they have in mind, I'm free to be out again as long as I want." Y/n stayed silent, not knowing what to say, but a lot of things are going through her mind.

Scarlett decided to continue. "As much as I still don't want to leave you and Avery, it's a need, my love. After the last movie I made, my career seemed to have gone off to a much more another level, fans and the medias are frantic and too wild for my liking. I can't have them invading my privacy this time again, especially yours and Avery, sweetheart." There was a moment of silence, before Scarlett spoke once again, afraid that it might've upset her wife.

If Y/n doesn't want to, they she won't.

"What do you say, angel? Hmm? Just tell me if you don't like it, I'm sure I can make more solutions where I wouldn't have to be away from you." Scarlett said softly and gently, before putting a kiss on Y/n's head again.

"Uhm..." Y/n swallowed the lump in her throat. "How long... how long will you be away?" Her eyes drifted to from Avery onto nothing.

"Oh, well, it could be six months or seven, or more, I don't really know, but I assure you, my love, it wouldn't be a year. Plus, whenever you need me, I can just fly over here in an instant. You know that I'd drop anything for you and Avery -you know that, baby, right?" Scarlett didn't receive an answer, instead she felt her wife turned around on her seat, facing her, laying her head on her chest, and Scarlett's arms instantly wrapped around Y/n's petite body.

"They said I'll just do one movie, a few premieres and interviews after that, I can do whatever the hell I want. I promise, I'll make it as fast as I can." After that, she left a few kisses on Y/n's head.

"Why do you sound like you really want to go there? Like, you really, really want to go there..." She felt Y/n's arms slowly unwrapping its way around her body.

Oh god, not this reaction, please.

Scarlett gazes at Y/n as the younger girl sat up, looking everywhere but her.

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