The war

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Pink Diamond wanted a colony, a planet of her own. It took thousands of years but she finally got what she wanted, her own small planet to grow more gems to serve her and build the Diamond empire higher. Amethyst soldiers were about to emerge and pink was ecstatic she wanted to greet them down on her planet, she told her pearl what she wanted to do and pearl came up with a plan, she told pink to change her form to look like a soldier so she could go to earth without anyone knowing.

Before she knew it they were at the kindergarten, Pink Diamond as a rose quartz greeting her "fellow" soldiers. She decided since she was already there she would explore her planet she found other life forms, with family and friends that kind of looked like her. Pink diamond realized she wasn't making something out of nothing, she was turning something into nothing. She was throwing away the true beauty of this world.

Pink went back to homeworld to try to convince Yellow and Blue to let her leave the planet alone and let the organic life forms live in peace but they refused, she tried to come up with excuses to leave the planet alone and caused problems as a rose quartz but it didn't work, they refused to stop gem production on earth. White Diamond saw what pink was doing as both herself and rose quartz so white went to the only other gem who is more powerful than her, black Diamond, white asked her to help make another pink Diamond that would be ready just before they needed her black agreed but didn't see the point of it .


"Black, I need something from you." White said
"What could you possibly need right now? I just lended you half my soldiers." Black responded rudely "Make a new pink diamond." White demanded "What?! I thought you were happy with the diamonds we created. are you planning to shatter pink!?" Black said, concerned her own authority would be threatened "My authority is perfect and is going to seem that way until Pink diamond is shattered in this war. It's not something I look forward to but she refuses to ask for help and just can't defend herself out there." White said "I can't believe you're just discarding her like that but if you really need it I'll make another pink." Black said, defeated.


Pink Diamond wanted to fight for earth and the people on it, so she did, as rose quartz she fought herself and the other diamonds with her Pearl and other rouge gems for 200 years but it never got better, the diamonds wouldn't give up on pinks colony and rose was losing soldiers... until she came up with a plan that would destroy the diamonds connection to earth. Rose quartz was going to shatter pink Diamond. If pink diamond didn't exist anymore she couldn't run the colony so Rose faked her own shattering as pink and lived as a rose quartz, leader of the Crystal gems. The war lasted for 300 more years until the diamonds, all of them, black, white, red, yellow, green, blue, purple, pink 2.0 and teal Diamond planned an attack on earth to wipe out the rebel gems and to continue pink diamonds colony with the new pink Diamond.

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