Here goes nothing

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I'm walking down all these hallways trying to find room 823. I ended up finding out that it was all the way up stairs. Just my luck.
"Hello, you must be Elizabeth. Please take a sit in the back right corner next to West," today couldn't get any better. I walk over there and take a sit, at least it wasn't the famous Xander. I already know that he's going to be a prick.
"Hey my name is West. Are you new here? I haven't seen you around and I know everyone here," why is he talking to me I don't want to be caught up in their drama.
"Yeah," I keep it simple, I don't want to make it seem like I want to be friends. Or even continue this conversation.
"Wow someone loves to talk. So Liz, can I call you Liz? Why did u transfer here?" West says with a smirk on his face. Before I can even talk Mr. Nickle claps his hands in front of us.
"Sorry to interrupt your conversation but this is AP calculus. I believe you guys might want to pay attention if you want to pass this class," first day and I already pissed off a teacher great.
"Anyways as I was rudely interrupted, Liz what do you like to do?" How many questions can this guy have. Ain't no way I am going to answer him though, I can't afford to get in trouble, nor can I afford to fail this class.
The whole class period he wouldn't leave me alone he kept talking and poking me. I was still able to take good notes and understand the lesson though. At the end of class he tried to get me to talk to him and follow him out of the classroom. However, I had other ideas I went up for Mr. Nickle and asked him a couple of questions. Which to his response he gave me study guides. Other students would hate this but I love it, it gives me more sources so I can understand.
"Hey Liz ready for English?" Emily said.
"Yes, you won't believe who was talking to me on AP calculus. It was West and he wouldn't stop talking to me," I rolled my eyes just thinking about it again.
"WHAT! He doesn't talk to anyone only his group of friends. Now knowing that though, you are not going to like this period either..." now I'm freaking out about what Emily means.
"Not only is West in this class but so it Noah and Matt," yay another period where I will not be able to focus again.
"Maybe he won't talk to me since he will have his other friends. Also I bet he only talked to me because he was bored out of his mind. I doubt he meant anything about it," I tried to reason why he was talking to me but honestly I don't even believe myself.
"Yeah you might be right anyways we better head in before the seats get taken and we will not be sitting next to each other," even though Emily says I might be right we both know that it is a lie.
"Hey Lizzzzzzzz, come sit over here," I don't answer the call from West. I am starting to think though that Emily wants to sit over there seeing as how jittery she is getting.
"Did you want to sit over there?" Emily questions me. Honestly no and to answer her question I shoot straight towards sits that are far away from that group as possible. The last thing I want is to be on anyone's radar.
"Hey Liz did you not hear me calling you when you walked in?" West smirks because he knows damn well I heard him call me. I think people from other classrooms even heard him.
"No," I said shooting him a smirk right back. Which is not the answer he wants because he slings my backpack over his shoulder and starts making his way back to his seat. I was about to just ask Emily for a piece of paper but of course she followed in suit with him. So here I was trying to decide which was the best option sitting here with nothing or sitting back there. Now as much as I wanted to go with option one it would be useless because I had nothing to take notes on and all I would be worrying about is someone having my shit. Not to mention Emily isn't even by me anymore so who would I talk to. So I sign and get up and walk over to them.
"Took you long enough. The next thing that was going to be going over my shoulder was going to be you," said West. Looks like I made the best decision then because that would have only caused more of a scene which I am not a fan of.
"Look man," I sign because I know this can either go terribly or well. "I get that you just want to find out about my status, but I really don't want the attention form the other students. So please let's stay as far away as we can."
Noah and Matt burst out laughing, "we like her." No that's the opposite that I want.
"Me too," West said addressing them and then turned his eyes back on me, "I'm sorry to inform you but you can't get rid of us now we like you too much. Better get used to all the attention."
Nope ain't no way in hell I'm doing this I don't need to be getting death threats from girls telling me to stay the hell away.
"No thank you I will pass, I'm going to try to stay as far away from you guys as I can," and with that I took my bag from him and walk over to the table Emily got. Yes it is still near them but at least it's not at their table.
The whole class period they kept throwing stuff at us to get our attention and trying to talk. Emily and me both stayed strong though, and with that the bell rang for lunch.
"Hey I'm going to go back to our dorm room real quick so I can drop this stuff off and get my books for next class. Did you want to save me a seat when you go to lunch," I know she is going to save me a seat even if I didn't ask but I still wanted to make sure.
"Yes of course I will save you a seat. Just text me when you are headed here so I can let you know where I am sitting," with that we both parted ways.
Honestly today is going well so far. Despite running into West, I believe I was able to keep all the drama on a low today. In fact I almost enjoy it moving here as crazy as that sounds.
I was so deep in thought I wasn't paying attention were I was going and walk straight into a wall. That is until I realize that it wasn't a wall but a guy. A 6'3, jacked as fuck guy. His eyes are as green as the trees with a mix of gray. Of course though he is looking at me like I pissed in his tea. I get it I bumped into him but he didn't care to move out of the way either. At least I wasn't paying attention, what about him I bet he was. I was getting ready to say sorry until he started to speak.
"Watch where the fuck you are going," he glares hard into my soul. Damn though his voice sounds so sexy. Snap out of it Elizabeth.
Well I am not about to apologize now. Not after he gave me his bitchy attitude. It is literally also his fault if he didn't want me to bump into him then he should have moved out of the way. So I do what I do best I ignore him.
"When I am talking you, you listen," he says while grabbing my arm. Who the fuck does he think he is. If he hadn't said it because of this situation I would have totally been turned on but definitely not now.
"I don't listen to little boys," and with that I smirked and walked away. I can feel how pissed he was that I walked away. Oh god I can only imagine what will happen when I tell this story to Emily.

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