The day my life changed forever

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"Elizabeth!!" my mom shouted like the tenth time in a row.
She's been on my ass all day because she is worried that I am backing out of the deal we made. Like can she blame me, my dad suddenly shows up out of know where wanting to take my mom back. Now what does that have to do with me? Let me tell you. Since my father decide to waltz back into our lives, and claim his love for my mother. I am forced to just accept it and move back in with my father. This included my me having to change schools and move to Shadow Ridge. Not a big deal right. WRONG. Shadow Ride is home to one of the most Elite schools in the whole world.
Which wouldn't be such a big deal since my father is a billionaire except I have never lived that luxurious lifestyle, nor do I want to. In fact I hate all the stuck up kids who just want to spend their mommy and daddy's money. Like seriously don't they realize that it's not their money and that they won't have it forever.
"Get down here! We need to start packing the car," gotta love my mom.
"Coming! but I plan to take my own car to the house we are moving to, so you can head out without me," I didn't want to go with them because it would be an awkward ride. I don't forgive my father for leaving in fact I don't even consider him my father. However I don't have a choice in this matter so instead of dealing with my mother yelling I'll just take my own car.
"That's fine. Just make sure you are there by dinner time" yay another family dinner.

The one thing I was dreading.
"So Elizabeth, are you excited to start your new school tomorrow," my father says with uncertainty in his voice. He must be worried that I will be bitchy to him.
"Actually I am honestly praying that the year flys by already," I know I shouldn't be so rude especially since he's is trying but I just can help it.
"It's going to be all okay I promise Liz you just have to find a good couple of friends and stick with them," my mom always knew how to sweet talk situations.
"Yeah I know, my main focus though is just going to be on school. I'm going to go then come straight home and start studying," did I mention how much I cared about my grade. I always have been a stick in the mud when it came to my grades. My mother never really cared and my father wasn't there to care. Therefore, it made me feel like I have to put a lot of pressure on myself to do well.
"Uhm" my mother spoke which brought me out of my deep thought.
"Elizabeth we wanted to wait to tell you this. You actually are going to be living on campus. Your mother and me talked and we figured this situation would be better if you could make friends," of course they didn't care to ask me for my opinion why would they.
"Yes honey, we thought this would be the best option so we could slowly ease back into things," again no one cared to talk to me about this.
"Whatever," I turned and left the dinner table. I know I'm making a big deal out of nothing trust me I do, and don't get me wrong I will definitely be over this by tomorrow. As for right now though I'm just going to use this as an excuse to leave the table.
I wanted to say thank you if you stuck through all the way to the end.

I wanted to keep this chapter short so that it gave background on her life.

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