Chapter 1 : The Gate to the World

Start from the beginning

"You may have been selected for now, but I still have a month to change any members as I see fit so I'm expecting all of you to work to a level that meets by standards by then...if not then you can kiss the FFI goodbye." Hitomiko said sharply, her words causing the players to stand even more straight as if that would improve her impression of them.

"Since you're already changed, we'll begin practice immediately. We'll begin with some simple five vs fives."

Confused by the sudden instructions, the fifteen players who had gathered looked at each other with bewildered looks in their eyes.

"What are you all doing? Didn't you hear me?" Hitomiko asked tersely as she sat down on the bench with her tablet in front of her.

Fortunately, used cryptic instructions thanks to a certain coach from last year...Shindou was the first to recover after hearing this.

"We should try to divide ourselves as evenly as possible so Coach can see what kind of soccer we play..."

Then, gathering everyone around him he quickly divided them into three teams with everyone else following along with the commands of Inazuma Japan's oldest member.

"Should we go until the first point, or half a match?" Shindou asked in a loud voice to Hitomiko who waved him off with eyes closed.

"Do as you like."

Hearing this, Shindou looked at Tenma and Tsurugi who shrugged their shoulders nonchalantly in response and with that he sent the third team off the field with a wave of his hand.


Kama, who had been silent up until now, unsure of how to speak up when all the people around him were absolutely terrifying, sat down on the bench with the other four who were part of the third team Shindou had made.

Looking to his left, he saw Tenma sit down, then jump up, then sit back down again as if he didn't know what to do with himself. The envy in his eyes was palpable to everyone around him and it was obvious what the midfielder from Raimon was thinking.

Besides Tenma, there was also Kurosaki Makoto from Seidouzan who he recognised, Minaho Kazuto, who he wasn't as familiar with, and the strange girl he recalled from the announcement that wasn't from any school at all : Odayaka Ryoko.

While there weren't many similarities between the four of them that he could note at a first glance, what he could see was that all four were much worse off than the normal person...

Didn't they feel heavy with all those ghosts flying around them?

In fact...

All of the Inazuma Japan players had many more ghosts than anyone he had ever seen before...

Usually the average person might have one or two ghosts haunting them while he noted the players on the Occult team and the players they faced had maybe three or four ghosts hanging around them.

But the Inazuma Japan players all had at least seven ghosts each!

Tenma being the worst with so many ghosts that Kama couldn't even begin to count them all and due to the overwhelming number, he closed his eyes with exhaustion.

Maybe it would be better once the scrimmage finally began...


Unfortunately for Kama, the instant the five vs five began, chaos ensued immediately as a hurricane known as Hakuryuu stormed across the field with a bang.

"I'll show that two-bit coach that she doesn't know what she's talking about!"

Then, racing forwards Hakuryuu looked to his left where he saw another boy with a blue streak in his hair running alongside him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2023 ⏰

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