Chapter 1: Broken and Alone

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Marshall: "Wow, they're very pretty Mayor!"

Mayor Goodway: "Thank you Marshall. Oh can you do me a favor and grab my little shovel for me? I need to dig up some more dirt to plant some more tulips."

Marshall: "Oh course Mayor Goodway."

Marshall walked over to the shower while stepping over the hose so he didn't trip. He grabbed the shower with his teeth and walked back to Mayor Goodway. Everything was fine until his leg got caught in the hose as Mayor Goodway moved it and he tripped and fell right into her tulips.

Mayor Goodway: "Marshall! Are you okay?"

Marshall was a little dizzy but he shook it off.

Marshall: "Yeah, I'm fine, but you tulips are ruined. I'm sorry Mayor."

Mayor Goodway: "Oh don't be sorry Marshall, it was my fault. I'm the one who moved the hose. Besides I can plant more tulips anyway."

Marshall: "Are you sure."

Mayor Goodway: "I'm sure Marshall."

Marshall waved goodbye to Mayor Goodway as she did the same and he drove off.

Marshall: "Hmm maybe I can see if Farmer Yumi can teach me some more Pup-Fu. I bet that will take my mind off everything."

Marshall felling better drove off to the farm.

Meanwhile at the lookout

Dina and Ryder had just finished a game of smash bros in which they lost, to an AI.

Ryder: "Man that sucked."

Dina: "Your telling me. Wana go see what the pups are up too?"

Ryder nodded and agreement and they walked outside to se the pups playing. Dina noticed Marshall wasn't with them.

Dina: "Hey, where's Marshall?"

Ryder: "Oh yeah, I don't see him."

Dina: "And his fire truck is gone too."

Ryder: "Let's ask the pups."

Dina and Ryder walked up to the pups who were still playing tag.

Dina: "Hey Pups."

The pups stopped and said hello to their owners.

Pups: "Hi Ryder. Hi Dina."

Dina: "Where is Marshall? His fire truck is not here."

The pups were confused when they looked at where the Dally's truck was supposed to be only for it to not be there.

Chase: "I don't know."

Dina: "I'll call him."

Dina called Marshall and he awnsered.

Dina: "Hi Marshall, where are you?"

Marshall: "Hi guys, I going to see if Farmer Yumi is available. I want to learn some more Pup-Fu."

Dina: "Okay buddy. Please make sure to tell someone when your leaving in your own next time. It's gets us worried."

Marshall: "Okay, I won't. Ill see you guys later."

Dina: "Bye Marshall!"

Marshall then hung up the call.

Dina: "Looks like he's alright. Hey, you wana go play again Ryder?"

Ryder: "Oh yeah, but this time we won't loose."

Dina: "That's the spirit!"

Dina and Ryder walked back into the lookout.

Skye: "Whew, they're gone."

Paw Patrol AU: Shattered BondsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin