I Bid You All Farewell

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To the fellow readers of, "The Boss's Pet."

Hello, hi, it is I, SamuraiShibe, the author of, "The Boss's Pet," who has come forward to tell something important for all of you to know.

For all of those who are perplexed by the chapter's title and this letter, it is that I have decided to discontinue the story from this moment forward.

Yes, I am discontinuing the story.

I say, I am sorry that I do not know what is currently running through your hearts and minds. But I already foresee some in shock, denial, anger, sadness, depression, and even in confusion.

I am sorry if I have caused emotional pain among you all, however, I do not have any regrets to announce it.

I know many times, I have promised to you guys that I'll continue on with the story...

But I just had doubts, extreme doubts. And alongside with my motivation for the book burning and dying away.

However despite stopping the story, I shall say, ANYONE and EVERYONE has the right to create their own version of, "The Boss's Pet," and make their own endings and make their own story line of this book.

Although I could just end my words here with a period, I decided to write a bit more for all of you to see the reasons why I decided to drop my work.

Whatever those reasons are down below, whether you may not like it or not, if you are not prepared to listen or take my words to your heart or mind, then you have all right to skip the bottom.

I thank all fellow readers for this journey we have gone together, over the writing and some of the stories that I have written over the years. Thank you.

My reasons to stop the story:

Minor factor:


I had daily issues with school, work, and my life. I have always been stressed and worried that one mistake would make me live a life where I would only get the bare minimum. I would always get frustrated when one bad thing happens because I wasn't active against the issue or doing anything.

However, I can be called a hypocrite when I spend a lot of time on the internet, media, and my own likes instead of investing my time in studying.

Especially when I wrote this book, I had forged it with my inner dark desires.

Spending the coins of my lifespan for minutes and long periods, just so I can see and swim in absurd fantasies in my mind. This behavior has taken away so much of my sight to see what is good, love, and life.

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