Chapter 16

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Langa's POV

"Hey, I know you're probably busy but I...we need your help."

The next thing I knew, Reki was curled up in the fetal position. He was groaning and grunting in pain, clutching his stomach.

"Reki! What's wrong?" I asked, kneeling in front of him, trying to keep him calm. I took his hand and stroked it. "Tell me what's wrong. Tell me so I can help."

"Langa, something is wrong. My hurts really bad," he groaned. "Please help me."

"Okay, okay," I said as I quickly thought of what to do. "You're going to be okay, Reki. We need to get you to the hospital."

Reki's eyes shot open wide and he started panting heavily. "No...I...I don't want to go to the hospital...It'll be fine...I'll be fi--"

I shook my head. "I'm sorry Reki, but you need to go. You can barely breath and you're as pale as a ghost, and," I paused to feel his head, "you're freezing. Reki, you're shaking," I said as I wrapped my arms around his trying to do my best to keep him warm. "How much did you drink?"

Reki refused to make eye contact with me, as he shivered against my chest. "I lost count," Reki said between irregular shallow breaths. "Langa, I don't want to go," he whimpered. "Please."

"You have to go."

Reki shook his head frantically. "I'll be fine."

"No you won't. You need to go to the hospital," I pleaded, as he continued to shake his head. I cupped his frigid cheeks in my hands and directed his attention to me. "Reki, listen to me, okay? You're going to be okay, but I need you to calm down and breath." I rested my forehead against his. "Just focus on breathing."

Though his breathing remained irregular, there was some improvement. I gently kissed his forehead and pulled him into a warm embrace once more. "Joe is on his way," I cooed. "We're going to take care of you. You're going to be okay."

Reki's eyes began to droop as he melted into my hold. Suddenly, my phone buzzed. It was a text from Joe letting me know he was outside. "Come on, Reki. Joe's outside."

There was no response. "Reki?" I lightly tapped his cheeks, trying to get his attention, but still nothing. I began to panic. "Reki?!" His breathing was worsening and I couldn't wake him. "Fuck!"

I grabbed his wrist and checked his pulse. His heartbeat was uneven and slow, and his eyes were rolled back. I had to get him to the hospital, and quick.

I lifted Reki bridal-style and making sure to keep a blanket draped around his shivering body. I then made my way as quickly as possible to the front door and opened it to see Joe parked out in front. I took off in the direction of the car.

"Reki?!" Joe called out. "What the hell happened? Is he okay?"

"I...I think he had too much to drink. He's not waking up and his breathing is all fucked up," I said while attempting to calm down as I put Reki in the back seat.

"Okay, calm down," Joe said as he rubbed my shoulders. "You're going to need to keep him warm and take care of him until we get there, okay?"


"Reki, can you hear me?" Joe called out. Reki was limp in my arms, as his breathing continued to worsen. I could hear his heart pounding in his chest. "Come on, kid. Wake up."

Reki stirred slightly but still wouldn't open his eyes. I quickly buckled him. "Come on, Joe. Let's go!"

Joe started the car and hit the gas, while I kept trying to rouse Reki from his unconscious state.

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