Chapter 2

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'I thought he was gone for sure this time. Why does that bastard keep coming back? We sure as hell don't need him....Maybe he's just stopping by or maybe he just needs some cash or something. He's not gonna stay, right?'

I couldn't settle my thoughts, as I stopped in front of my house. Surely enough, there was an unfamiliar car in the driveway and the lights were inside. I tried my best to pull myself together, but it just felt...

He's come back plenty of times in the past and hasn't stuck around for long, but this time felt different.

With my hand on the doorknob, I took deep breaths trying to ease the nausea. I knew I couldn't just stand outside all night and if I didn't show up soon, he would probably...

Stepping inside I saw my youngest sisters, Nanaka and Chihiro, running around the house in their pajamas, all smiles with no care in the world. He was playfully chasing them with tickle-monster hands, and the girls were loving every second of it. It was a weird thing to see because he hadn't been home in over a year, and because I've only seen that man smile a handful of times in my life.

"Reki!" The twins ran over and flung themselves into my arms. "Where have you been? We missed you!"

I tried my best to put a smile on for them. "Well, I was out with a friend, but I missed you both so much that I decided to come home."

I gave them each a peck on the cheek and placed them back down on the floor. By the time I stood back up, my father had made his way over to me. He just stood there with an unnerving smile on his face, like I was supposed to be glad to see him or something.

"It's nice to see you, Reki," he said as he tried to pull me in for a hug.

I didn't know what to do or say. It sure as hell wasn't nice to see him, and the last thing I wanted was his arms around me. I also didn't want to piss him, I just stood there until he let go and then pulled away into the kitchen.

"What are you doing?" I asked my mother, as she cut up veggies.

"Well, your father was hungry so I figured--"

"You know that's not what I mean. Why is he here?" I couldn't believe I just cut her off like that, but I also couldn't believe she would allow this to happen again. Especially after how he left everything last time.

She placed the knife down, quickly washed her hands, and turned to face me. "Reki, sweetheart...for better or worse, he is your father. He has been working very hard to fix some things. He's been to lots of therapy and support meetings and he promises he--"

I couldn't listen to another word. How could she be so naive? He will never change.

I left towards my bedroom and slammed the door shut. I couldn't catch my breath. I was consumed by my anger, anxiety, heartache, frustration...

I slid down to the ground, my hands on my face, and a hole in my heart.


Third Person POV

"I'll talk to him," the father said to Reki's mom, as he stood in the doorway of the kitchen.

"Do you really think that's a good idea?" His mom answered. "Maybe he just needs some time to process everything."

Reki's dad walked away, ignoring the mother's statement. He knocked twice but did not wait for a response before sliding Reki's door open and flicking the lights on.

Reki was huddled in a corner of his room, refusing to look up.

"Look son-"

"You do not get to call me that," Reki interrupted with a mumble.

The father clenched his fists and tightened his jaws. There was a tense silence that seemed to last forever, but eventually the father took a breath and sat down on Reki's bed.

"I know things between us haven't always been great, but-"

Reki cut off his father yet again. "Well that's the biggest understatement of the century!"

The boy knew he was pushing his luck, but a part of him wanted to get the pain over and done with.

"You listen to me," the father began to raise his voice. Reki noticed the clenched fists and instantly regretted his responses. "I am here to work on my issues. I want to be a husband and father again."

The silence was deafening, until the father continued. "I know this will not be an overnight thing, but I want to prove to you that...I'm sorry. Reki, I promise I've changed."

The father then walked over to Reki, as his son pulled his legs further into his chest, bracing for potential impact. Reki was shocked when his father ruffled his hair, rather than knocking him out.

Maybe...maybe he has changed? No, there's no there?

Reki's father closed the door behind him, leaving the anxiety-ridden teen alone with his own thoughts.

"What the actual fuck?!" Reki silently yelled in his hands, still hunched over himself in the corner of his room.

Never has his father ever said sorry to him. Not when he broke Reki's wrist for taking a snack without permission. Not for the endless beatings that Reki got for his grades. And certainly not when he...

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