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Aelara, now fourteen, stands on a mound just outside the castle, her laughter echoing through the air. Her eyes sparkle with unbridled joy as she playfully dances around Jadeheart. The dragon remains in shackles, chained and locked up under the supervision of the dragonkeepers, of whom stand alongside the Kingsguard, all ready to protect the princess.

Jadeheart, a dragon of unparalleled ferocity and untamed nature, has long been the subject of whispered tales and nightmares. But Aelara stands fearlessly beside him, her presence calming the beast and bringing forth a side that few have witnessed—a playful, almost gentle nature that only emerges in her company.

As Aelara giggles, Jadeheart playfully nudges her with his massive snout, causing her to burst into another fit of laughter. Her voice, a melody of pure happiness, fills the air as the wind blows boy.

However, on this seemingly perfect day, fate has a different plan in store for Aelara. As she revels in the joy of her connection with Jadeheart, a messenger approaches, a note clutched tightly in his hand. Aelara's heart skips a beat as she realizes the severity of the situation. The messenger delivers the news—a revelation that shatters the idyllic bubble of her happiness.

The messenger does not say who sent him or whom he speaks for, and disappears in the blink of an eye.

Aelara's eyes widen as she reads the words scribbled on the parchment. Her breath catches in her throat, her hands trembling. It is a missive informing her of Helaena's betrothal to their older brother, Aegon, and the impending wedding set to take place in just one week's time. The weight of the news crashes down upon her like a storm, threatening to extinguish the lightness that once danced within her.

Aelara's steps falter, her laughter silenced, as she rushes to find her sister, Helaena. Her mind races, trying to process the sudden turn of events. How could their family arrange such a union without her knowledge? The realization dawns upon her that the happiness she has found with Jadeheart might pale in comparison to the impending separation from her twin sister, her other half.

She finds Helaena in their shared chambers, her eyes swollen and red from tears already shed. The room is filled with an oppressive silence, heavy with unspoken emotions. Aelara's voice trembles as she approaches her sister, holding the note tightly in her hand.

"Helaena," Aelara whispers, her voice filled with a mix of desperation and disbelief, "Is it true? Are they really planning to wed you to Aegon?"

Helaena nods, her eyes brimming with sorrow and resignation.

Aelara's heart aches as she looks into her sister's eyes, seeing her own pain reflected in them. In that moment, the realization strikes them both—their futures are being decided by others, their hearts torn apart by the cold hand of duty.

Nevertheless, Aelara's eternal youth inspires her to be the wind beneath Helaena's wings and to ensure that her wedding day is nothing but perfect.

The melodic strains of the musicians fill the air, creating a mesmerizing echo of enchanting melodies that beckon guests to the dance floor. Aelara pulls Helaena towards the center of the room with a twinkle in her eyes.

Aelara's radiant smile lights up the room as she sways to the music, her movements a graceful embodiment of youthful exuberance. Her laughter rings out like a cascade of silver bells, infectious and intoxicating. In her presence, the weight of the world seems to lift, and the room fills with a renewed sense of hope and vitality.

As Aelara spins and twirls, Helaena watches her sister with a mixture of admiration and longing. She yearns for that same untamed spirit, the ability to cast aside the burdens of duty and immerse herself in the sheer joy of the moment. Aelara's laughter becomes a beacon of light, guiding Helaena out of the shadows of her own despair.

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