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The sun rises over the Red Keep, casting a golden hue on the day that marks the tenth name day of Princesses Aelara and Helaena Targaryen. The air is filled with an anticipation of joy and celebration, as the castle awakens to honor the twin princesses.In the royal chambers, Aelara is already wide awake, her eyes sparkling with excitement. She bounces on her bed, her golden curls bouncing with her.

"Helaena, wake up! It's our special day!" She exclaims, unable to contain her glee.

Helaena stirs from her slumber, her silver tresses cascading around her face. She blinks sleepily, her eyes reflecting a quiet contemplation.

"Must we celebrate?" She mumbles, her voice soft as a whisper.

Aelara giggles, her laughter filling the room.

"Oh, don't be such a grump! It's our name day!" She bounces off the bed and begins rummaging through her wardrobe, searching for the perfect dress.

Helaena watches her sister with a mix of admiration and bemusement. She marvels at Aelara's ability to find joy in every moment, her infectious laughter and unwavering optimism. While Helaena often seeks solace in solitude and contemplation, Aelara embraces the world with open arms and a radiant spirit.

As the girls prepare for the festivities, their different dispositions become more apparent. Aelara's dress is a riot of colors, adorned with ribbons and flowers, while Helaena opts for a simpler, more subdued attire in shades of green. Despite their contrasting styles, they share a bond that transcends their differences, a connection that binds them as twins.As they descend the stairs to the courtyard, Aelara's excitement reaches a crescendo.

The castle is alive with decorations and music, filling the air with a sense of merriment. Aelara twirls and dances, her laughter echoing through the halls, while Helaena walks beside her, observing the scene with a quiet smile.Noble lords and ladies, knights and servants, gather to pay homage to the princesses.

Aelara's infectious charm and genuine kindness draw people to her side, as she effortlessly wins hearts with her warm greetings and genuine interest in every conversation. Her laughter becomes a melodic backdrop to the festivities, harmonizing with the sweet songs of the minstrels.Meanwhile, Helaena finds solace in the quieter moments. She wanders through the courtyard, pausing to admire the delicate blooms in the garden. The tranquility of the space calms her restless spirit, and she loses herself in the beauty of nature.

As the day unfolds, the rest of the Targaryen family begins to make their appearances at the name day celebration. King Viserys Targaryen, adorned in regal attire, strides into the courtyard, his presence commanding attention. His gaze softens as he sees his twin daughters in their contrasting outfits, Aelara radiating vibrancy, and Helaena exuding an air of quiet elegance.A warm smile tugs at the corners of King Viserys' lips as he approaches the twins. He kneels down to their eye level.

"Happy name day, my beloved princesses. May this day be as special as both of you," He smiles, though his face old and withered, stricken with illness and duty.

Aelara throws her arms around their father, hugging him tightly.

"Thank you, Father! It's going to be the best day ever!" She exclaims.

Her voice is filled with enthusiasm, and her embrace reflects her overflowing joy.Helaena, more reserved in her emotions, smiles softly and curtsies before their father.

"Thank you, Father. I appreciate your wishes," She softly mutters.

Her words hold a depth that speaks volumes, and her eyes meet King Viserys' with an understanding only twins can share.

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