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Aelara's tiny frame trembles as she sits in the quiet solitude of her chambers within the Red Keep. The room is adorned with tapestries of vibrant colors, depicting scenes of valor and triumph, but the young princess finds no solace in their grandeur. Her mother sits beside her, her gentle touch offering a modicum of comfort in the face of the turmoil that has consumed her daughter's heart.

Aelara's wide eyes, still filled with traces of fear and confusion, remain fixed on her trembling hands. Her small fingers trace the intricate patterns woven into the fabric of her dress, her touch seeking solace in the tactile world before her. Her breath comes in shallow, uneven bursts, the weight of the recent events bearing down on her fragile spirit.

Queen Alicent gazes at her daughter with a mixture of concern and empathy, her voice gentle yet steady as she speaks.

"My sweet child," She says, her voice a soothing melody, "It's alright."

Aelara looks up, her eyes meeting her mother's gaze, seeking understanding and reassurance. She finds solace in the depths of Alicent's eyes, in the warmth that radiates from her presence. In that moment, she feels a flicker of hope, a glimmer of the maternal love that binds them together.

"But why, Mother?" Aelara's voice quivers, her words laced with innocence and vulnerability, "Why is Aemond hurt? How could Lucerys do such a thing?"

Queen Alicent's heart clenches at the mention of Lucerys's name, the realization of the pain he has caused settling heavily upon her. She takes Aelara's trembling hands in her own, her touch gentle yet firm.

"Aelara," Alicent's voice carries a mix of compassion and sadness, "Lucerys is but a boy, driven by anger and fear. Your brother spoke words that angered Lucerys. He acted out of misplaced emotions, and in his misguided actions, he caused harm."

Aelara's brows knit together in confusion, her innocent mind struggling to comprehend the complexities of the situation. She gazes into her mother's eyes, seeking answers and a sense of reassurance.

"But how could he not know?" Aelara's voice quivers with a hint of frustration, "How could he not see the pain he would cause? How could he hurt his own uncle?"

Queen Alicent sighs, her fingers gently brushing against Aelara's cheek. She understands the weight of her daughter's questions, the depth of her confusion. It is a burden that no child should bear, and yet Aelara's innate compassion and sensitivity have exposed her to the harsh realities of the world.

"Sometimes, in moments of anger and turmoil, even those we love most can lose sight of what truly matters," The Queen softly utters, " Lucerys was overwhelmed by his own emotions, his anger clouding his judgment. It is a painful lesson for him to learn, but I believe in time he will come to understand the gravity of his actions."

Aelara's eyes well up with tears, her young heart heavy with the weight of her brother's injury and the shattered bonds that now lay between them. She buries her face in her mother's embrace, seeking solace and comfort in the safety of her arms.

Queen Alicent holds her daughter tightly, her touch a balm to the wounds that cannot be seen. She whispers soothing words, her voice a lullaby that carries away the fear and confusion that threaten to consume Aelara's spirit.

"You are safe, my sweet," Alicent murmurs, her voice tender and full of love, "You are loved, and I will always be here to protect you."

Aelara clings to her mother, her tears dampening the fabric of Alicent's green gown. In the midst of the darkness, she finds solace in the unconditional love that surrounds her. And as her mother's embrace enfolds her, she begins to believe that even the deepest wounds can be healed, and the fractured bonds can be restored.

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