Chapter Five: Night Terrors

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Despite his memories being foggy, Bilbo's nightmares appear to attack his fractured mind. He sees the spiders clear as day, all of them shrieking and gnashing their fangs as he swings wildly with Sting.
"No, no, no..." he whimpers, unaware he is twitching and thrashing in bed beside Thranduil in his sleep.

Now it isn't spiders chasing him, it's that...thing he met in the cave. That pale being with those watery blue eyes. "Thief!" Gollum had screeched, his angry cries echoing harshly in Bilbo's head. "Give me my precious back! We hates you! Give it back!"

Bilbo cries out in his sleep, snapping the Elven King awake. Alarmed and worried, Thranduil sits up as another pained cry slips through Bilbo's lips.
"Bilbo," he calls out urgently, trying to wake the Hobbit up by touching his shoulder. "Bilbo, wake up!"

Gasping, Bilbo's eyes open, glazed with fear and confusion. Shakily, he looks up at Thranduil with tear filled eyes. Wordlessly, Baggins sobs with fear into the King's nightgown. Thranduil's arms are around his small body instantly, rubbing his back.

"Hush, my dear. It's all right," he soothes.
Bilbo shakes his head no, hands gripping the silky cloth like his life depends on it. "Too many horrible things happened to me," he forces the words past his lips, trembling.
"Bilbo," Thranduil murmurs, looking down at him as he wipes his tears away. "Tell me what happened. What did you see? Do you recall anything?"

Sniffing, Bilbo tells him about the spiders, but leaves out Gollum since he still wants to keep the Ring a secret.
"You are safe here, I am certain," he reminds the small being, smoothing down Bilbo's hair. "I promise to defend you and Legolas if danger ever comes, do you understand?"

Bilbo nods, already calmer. Thranduil smiles sadly, still holding him in his arms. The sky outside the window is clear, allowing moonlight to shine through. Streaks of Thranduil's hair look like spun silver strands, nearly making Bilbo forget about his nightmare.
The Elven King has always looked mystical.
But in the moonlight? He looks otherworldly.

Realizing he is still being held, Bilbo glances away, feeling flustered. Thranduil lets him go, still slightly worried.
"Do you want to try and sleep again?" The King asks softly.
Wary of the nightmares returning, Bilbo shakes his head no. He can't sleep, not now.

Thranduil sighs and nods in understanding.
He brushes away a tear that slips down Bilbo's cheek.
"Stay here. I'll go have a servant send us some tea."
The Hobbit nods and watches as the King gets up.

He stays in bed as the Elf leaves, listening to the dying embers of the fire crackle. Thranduil enters a minute later.
"The tea shall be here shortly," he says, smiling sadly. Bilbo can tell the King of worried for him.

He nods, already feeling a little better.
A servant brings the tea and Thranduil carries the tray to bed. The scent of camomile with vanilla and honey smells comforting. He takes the smaller mug offered and takes small sips.
Bilbo smiles, savoring the taste.
"This is delicious. Thank you, Your Highness," he sighs.
"Of course, Bilbo. I'm glad you like it," he smiles, sipping his drink.

The Hobbit remains silent for a few moments, drinking.
"Shouldn't you get back to sleep, Your Highness? I don't want my nightmares to keep you awake."
The King laughs softly.
"I'll be fine without a few hours of sleep, Bilbo. I've endured worse. If you keep having them, come to me. I'll try my best to make you feel better."

Bilbo feels his face heating up and prays the King cannot see it in the faint light. If Thranduil does, he makes no comment on it.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Sep 18, 2023 ⏰

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My Little One (King Thranduil x Bilbo Baggins)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ