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" How is he?" Ray asked pulling the nurse to the side She sighed reading over his papers.

" well, he's made it this far . We really just have to take things one day at a time after a massive hemorrhage like that." She explained while Ray tried reading the papers over her shoulder.

" Can I see the papers?" He asked

" you wouldn't und-"

" I'm a medic." he interrupted

" Oh...Alright." she said handing him a sheet of dark slanted writing. While Ray poured over the information regarding his friends health Frank and Gerard pulled up chairs on either side of Mikey's bed.

" how ya feeling bud?" Frank asked putting his hand over Mikey's.

" Been better." he said sighing

" well yeah I bet you have." Gerard teased wiping the tears out of his eyes

" Do mom and dad know yet?"

Gerard shook his head. " I sent them a telegram last night but I don't think they got it yet." He said

" Mom's gonna flip out."  Mikey said closing his eyes.

" Don't worry about mother Way we got other problems right now." Frank said

" yeah. I guess you've got a point." Mikey said sadly looking down to observe his bandaged torso.Ray made his way out of the corner to be with the others.

" well, what are my chances Ray?" Mikey asked while he bent down to hug him.

" 100% survival." he said putting up a chair next to Frank. " Your gonna be fine." He said smiling

" How many didn't make it out?" Mikey asked after a moment

" for someone who could barley hold their head up five minutes ago you sure are talking a lot."  Frank teased. they all laughed quietly until the laughter faded to silence.

And it was loud. And it said everything he needed to know.

" shit." Mikey said reading the silence.

" They figure about 4,000 as of right now." Ray said looking at the floor.

" Let's just be glad were not part of that number." Gerard said

He pulled out a folded piece of paper out of his shirt pocket and handed it to his brother.

" what's this?" Mikey asked adjusting his glasses on his face.

" good news" Frank answered

Mikey unfolded the letter. After several minutes of silence he sat the paper back down in his lap.

" All of us?" he asked

" yeah all four of us."

" I get why I'm going home but why are they sending you three back?"

" emotional trauma" Gerard said gesturing to himself and Frank.

" And some high honor award for Mr.Medic over there, he put himself in harms way to save a bunch of people or something." Gerard finished

Ray blushed

" It's not that big of a deal." he said clearing his throat

" Oh sure it's not that big of a deal but you got a medal for it." Frank said sarcastically causing the others to chuckle.

" So were done?" Mikey asked again unable to believe what they were saying was true.

" Four more weeks and were off the battlefield for good" Ray said

" Amen" Gerard breathed

" I'll drink to that" Frank added

" You'll drink to anything." Mikey confirmed.

" Until then you have to keep getting better so you can discharged when your supposed to so we can go home together."  Ray said

" Believe me I plan on it... I only woke up a few hours and I'm ready to get out of here." Mikey said closing his eyes for a long pause.

GhostsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora