"Where have you been?" My mother questions me, clutching my chin and tipping it upward to face her eyes.

"Probably at that stupid tree again," Serena mumbles, rolling her eyes as she speaks.

"What tree?" Mother further questions. "There's plenty of trees here in the village, why do you need to go up that hill to seek that one?"

"Probably off meeting a man, aren't you, sister?" Serena holds a smirk.

I send her a glare. "Only you would need a man to accompany you to such."

"Silly me, I forgot she's still on her no man strike."

"Would you please stop bickering?" Mother stresses, holding onto her temples and giving them a slight rub. "We have a lot to do if we are going to meet the young gentleman."

"What gentleman?" I perk up, and Serena gives mother a panicked look.

Mother looks away from my gaze that's questioning the both of them and she picks at her dress, giving me a shrug. "Just a nice gentleman who asked to speak with Serena."


"Don't tell her, Mother. I do not feel like fighting with a child today," Serena states.


"Sir Kingsley, he's a duke up toward town. He's a wealthy man and he has a wonderful family to provide for Serena," mother explains which makes my cheeks grow red.

"Sir Kingsley? The man that doesn't know how to tie his shoes?!" I exclaimed, earning a sigh and "told you so" from Serena.

"That was one time," Serena thrills.

"It wasn't one time, he needs help all the time to do it. Serena, I think you should think about not meeting him."

"Oh my goodness, you are aggravating," she then grits at me.

"He is self centered, thinks of woman as sex on legs-"

"That's what you say about every man," she interrupts.

"Because it's true with all of them," I tell her.

Sir Kingsley was anything but a gentleman. He was rude to us villagers, seeking out a wife so he could have her as his toy. I won't let it happen.

I still remember a few weeks ago the conversation we had and all I could think about was scurrying away.

A few weeks ago...

Shopping for fabric for my dresses was an everyday or other every other day. It consisted of traveling to find the perfect cloth or string just to get my dress to fit right.

The door rings above the little shop I'm in, and boots are heard stomping as the person behind me approaches from behind.

"Well, if it isn't lady Houstings," Sir Kingsley greets me and I spin on my heels to be polite. Great.

"Hello, Sir Kingsley," I greeted him back.

"You are looking delightful," he compliments with a charming smirk. Perhaps it would work on other ladies, but not on this one.

"Thank you." I give him a slight nod before returning to my fabric.

"Would you perhaps like to have a stroll with me?" He questions.

"I'm afraid not, sir. Being alone with a gentleman will cause a scandal. Maybe we'll see each other at a ball of some sort?" I'm still not looking at him, mainly focusing on the color of the fabric.

"Won't cause a scandal with me, trust me."

"No, thank you." I turn to give him another smile.

He steps closer, his lips touching my hair almost and whispers. "We're alone now as we speak. Wouldn't that cause such a scandal?"

"The owner is in the back, she can come out any moment." I turn around to face him and he's close. He grins down at me, possibly thinking of ways to seduce me. "Now if you'll excuse me, there's an odor and I can't get rid of it."

His soon grin turns into a smirk as if realizing I'm talking about him. He nods, letting me take my leave and I get out of the shop as quickly as I can.

Could he be any more of a distasteful human?

"Stop this nonsense, Arabella. Your sister is meeting him and that's the end of it," mother bit out angrily, upset at my actions toward my sister who gives me a wide grin, but it's teasing.

"Fine, have fun." I cross my arms.

"You're going with us, we all are," Serena announces.

Father enters the kitchen, confused about it all and he pops a strawberry, tainting his lips against my head with a kiss. I give him a gracious smile, one that he replies back with.

"Why did I have to be lucky enough to be blessed with all the ladies in this house?" He says sarcastically.

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