"Yeah, you do that! I'll just get some snacks from the refrigerator in the meantime." Scratch announced.

As she hurried downstairs, Molly opened the front door, where Libby greeted her. With a smile, Libby embraced her best friend in a hug.

"Hey, bestie! Thanks for coming!" Molly exclaimed.

"Well, thank you for inviting me, Molly! I'll admit, I was a little nervous, but knowing that it's mostly going to be just us, I think I'm willing to give this sleepover a chance!" Libby explained.

"You don't have to worry, Libby! Mom and Dad will be sleeping soon, and I'm sure that Darryl won't bother us. Anyway, come inside!" Molly moved to the side to let Libby in the house.

At that moment, Libby walked inside, where she placed her backpack down. It was revealed that she brought a couple of snacks, her favorite book series, A Song of Snow and Humidity, and a couple of tampons, just in case.

Upon seeing the tampons, Molly asked, "So, how are you dealing with your period so far?"

"Oh, you know! I'm managing! Admittedly, it's the cramps that's the hard part to deal with!" Libby admitted.

"Don't worry! We don't have to do any too crazy for the sleepover!" Molly assured. "We can just watch a movie, eating popcorn if you like!"

Libby liked the sound of that. "That actually sounds great! I'll unpack everything while you can make the snacks!"

As Libby made her way upstairs to Molly's room, Molly walked over to the kitchen to make some snacks. She placed the popcorn in the microwave and waited before Scratch appeared behind her.

"Ooh! More snacks? Don't mind if I do!"

"Sorry, Scratch! The popcorn is for me and Libby." Molly explained. "Besides, you have more than enough to eat down here!"

Scratch let out a disappointed sigh."Oh, fine, but if you leave any snacks up there, I'm floating up there to eat the rest."

"That might not be a good idea! I'm trying to keep Libby from finding out about ghosts after how she nearly found out about Geoff at the camping trip." Molly began to remember what happened that night. "Anyway, please don't make too much noise! This sleepover is really important to me!"

"Relax, Moll! I'll just be down here, while you and Libby talk about make up and boys and whether else!"

Once the popcorn was done, Molly took the bowl out of the microwave before she headed upstairs. Molly reached the attic, where she and Libby watched a movie on her phone. They both ended up watching a horror movie together. As they watched the movie, Molly and Libby took turns taking popcorn from the bowl before both of their hands accidentally touched each other at the same time. This caused them both to blush before silently brining their attention back to the movie.

As the movie came to an end, Molly and Libby spent the rest of their sleepover playing games with each other. They played a couple of board games and had pillow fights with each other. This went on until they decided to play truth or dare with each other. They didn't do too many dares, and mainly asked each other questions. It wasn't long before it was Molly's turn once more

"Okay, Libby! Truth or dare?"

"I think I'll go with truth again." Libby replied.

At that moment, Molly decided to ask a question that she was wondering about for awhile. "So, have you ever had a crush on anyone, Libby? Has there been any boy you like?" Molly asked, secretly hoping Libby would say no.

Libby stayed silent for a couple of moments. She hesitated before she replied, "Can I tell you a secret, Molly? I don't think I like boys that way. I think I'm kind of into girls instead." Libby shyly looked away, still embarrassed by what she just admitted. "Anyway, I guess it is your turn now. Truth or dare?"

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