"Then we'd better not keep her waiting!" Kat said as she was ready to board the bus.

Right when Libby was about to get on the bus, she didn't watch where she was going and ended up tripping. Thankfully, Molly noticed it and rushed to grab her.

"I got you!" Molly managed to catch Libby in her arms.

At that point, Molly and Libby realized that they were staring in each others eyes. Upon noticing how long she was silent for, Molly helped Libby down before the two of them shyly looked away from each other. This caught the attention of Sheela. She stared at the girls in suspicion as she had an idea of what was going on.

"Kat? A word, please?" Sheela took Kat's arm and pulled her away so Molly and Libby won't hear her.

"What is it, Sheela?" Kat asked, wondering what her friend wanted.

"Have you noticed that Molly and Libby have been acting a little strange since school began?"

Kat took one glance at how nervous Molly and Libby seemed before she replied, "Now that you mention it, they do seem to be a little nervous around each other."

"Exactly! Don't you see? Molly and Libby are in love with each other!" As Sheela said that, Kat's mouth widened into a huge grin as she squealed in joy. "Shh! We can't let them know that we are aware of what's going on?"

"So, what are we going to do?"

"Well, it's clear that Molly and Libby have feelings for each other, but are too scared to say anything! I think we should help them out, but we'll have to be subtle about it!" Sheela explained to which, Kat nodded in response.

Everyone soon got on the bus to realize that most of the seats already had a bunch of camping supplies on them. This left only two empty seats on the bus. Seeing their chance, Kat and Sheela thought of a way to keep Molly and Libby together.

"Hey, Molly! Why don't you and Libby sit on this seat together? Sheela and I know how much you two like to be together!" Kat explained.

"Right! And we won't interrupt if you have any romantic conversations you like to share with each other." Sheela added.

"Uh, okay. Let's go, Libby!" Molly had no idea why Kat and Sheela were acting so strange, but decided not to think too much about it as she and Libby sat down together.

As Molly and Libby sat next to each other, neither of them were aware that Kat and Sheela were secretly watching them, hoping to see some romance between the two best friends. The bus soon drove down the road as everyone was ready to begin their camping trip.

A couple of hours had passed before Molly felt something lean against her shoulder. She looked to her side and blushed when she found out it was Libby, who just fell asleep. Since she didn't want to wake Libby up, Molly just decided to let it happen. After all, she couldn't help but think that Libby looked kind of cute when she was asleep. She was soon startled when the bus hit a bump in the road, waking Libby up. Libby let out a yawn before looking around groggily.

"What happened? Libby asked, still half asleep.

"Nothing! Hey look! We're here!" Molly pointed to the campsite, not wanting to bring up the awkward moment.

The bus came to a stop as it reached the campground. After Molly and the others got out they decided to set up camp. While Molly and Libby were setting up their sleeping bags, Kat and Sheela gathered flint and firewood for the night.

Meanwhile, Scratch was planning to scare the girls in order to keep his scare numbers up. The sun was about to set, so he was about to put his plan into action when he got startled by a voice behind him.

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