Meeting a New Friend

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"I don't think Scratch would want to leave the house. Maybe we should just let him rest and-"

Pete was soon interrupted when Molly yelled. "I want Scratch to come with me! Scratch! Scratch! Scratch! Scratch! Scratch!"

Meanwhile, Scratch was laying on a spiderweb hammock, wanting nothing more than to sleep the day away. His plans were soon changed when he got surrounded by a pink aura. Upon realizing what was going on, Scratch woke up with a jolt.

"What? No! No! No! I hate this currrrrse!" Scratch yelled as he was forcefully dragged towards Molly.

Once he realized that there was no getting out of this, Scratch had no choice but to go with Molly to school. After driving to the school, Pete dropped off his daughter as Molly entered the classroom.

At that moment, Molly sat down at a desk and looked around the classroom to see so many friendly faces. With her first day of school starting, Molly was excited to make so many wonderful friends.

As happy as everyone was to begin their first day of school, Molly couldn't help but notice a young Jewish girl sitting alone at a table. She wore a green sweater and light brown jeans, and had long dark brown hair. She appeared to be lonely. Even though Molly didn't know anything about that girl, she decided to make her feel better.

"Hey!" Molly got the girl's attention.

The girl soon looked up to see Molly giving her a friendly wave. At first, the girl looked around, confused, assuming that Molly was talking to someone else. As Molly continued to wave, the girl gave a shy smile before she waved back.

"That girl seems pretty friendly, Scratch!" Molly whispered to her ghost friend.

"Yeah, I really don't care." Scratch said, not even paying attention. "I just want to get this day over with so I can get back to sleep!"

As the school day continued, the students got to know each other better. It was an easy school day for everyone as they were all drawing pictures. Molly decided to draw a picture of a rainbow. She admired her drawing with a smile before she heard an angry voice.

"Hey, watch it!"

Molly looked up to see that the voice came from a blue-haired girl in a pink hoodie. It appeared that the girl was yelling at the Jewish girl Molly waved to earlier.

"You nearly got bumped into me, you klutz!" The blue-haired girl yelled.

"I'm so sorry, Ann-dree-uh! I didn't mean to!" The other girl apologized. "I just wanted to get some more crayons, but I tripped and-"

Before the girl could finish, the girl named, Andrea interrupted. "My name is Ahn-dree-uh!"

"I-Isn't that what I just said?" The shy girl asked, now feeling more frightened than ever.

"No! You said, Ann-dree-uh!"

"I'm sorry! I'll get your name right next time, Ann, uh-"

The shy girl paused before she accidentally mispronounced Andrea's name once more. Every attempt the girl made to pronounce the name correctly only made Andrea even more infuriated.

"It is pronounced, Ahn-dree-uh! Get it right!" Andrea yelled before she pushed the girl to the floor.

That was when the girl started to cry, causing Molly to get angry. That poor girl was getting bullied over a name pronunciation and no one was even helping her!

"Wow! That was so needlessly cruel! I think I'm going to like it here, Moll!" Scratch commented before noticing that Molly was no longer in her seat. "Moll?"

More Than Just FriendsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ