❤️‍🔥☆Walk In☆❤️‍🔥

773 23 3

They go to a college and have an apartment dorm together

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Prompt- Enid accidently walks in on Wednesday

-Enid's POV-

I yawned as I left my room and entered the kitchen area. I stretched my arms over my head and made my way to the kettle. I turn it on and look down at my phone as I wait for the water to boil. 09:47 the time read. I yawned again and rubbed my eyes as I got two mugs out. One for me and one for Wednesday.

Speaking of Wednesday, she's usually up by now. Well, it was a Saturday, so she probably slept in.

The kettle switched off once it was boiled. I put a tea bag in each cup and filled them up with water, leaving a bit of room for milk. I put sugar in mine and used a spoon to mix the two drinks.

I leaned my back against the counter as I scroll through my socials. I looked up to Wednesdays room. She usually would come out when she heard the kettle. I brushed it off and looked back down to my phone.

About five minutes later, I hear my name from Wednesday's room.

"Enid." I continue to scroll through my phone as I reply. "Yeah?" I ask out loud. No response. I look up to Wednesdays room before looking back down, thinking it was in my imagination.

"Enid." I hear my name again. 'Okay, now I know it's not my imagination.' I put my cup and phone down as I walk over to Wednesdays room. I wait by the door to listen in. I don't hear anything and move my hand to the door. Which was unlocked.

I open the door.

"Hey, Weds, you-" My own voice gets lost in my throat as I look at Wednesday. She had her right hand fingering herself, and her left played with her own breast. But when she heard my voice, she quickly covered herself with her duvet.

"Enid." Wednesday quickly says in surprise. I was frozen in place before it quickly hit me, and I started spitting out apologies.

"Shit, sorry, I'm sorry." I repeated as I quickly left and slammed the door behind me. I stood still by the door, and my face felt like it was on fire as a whole zoo situated in my stomach. I quickly shook my head and grabbed my shoes and my jacket quickly putting them on and leaving the apartment.

-Wednesday's POV-

I paced in the living room area as night was approaching. Enid had been out all morning since... the incident, and I am freaking out. Enid hadn't answered any of my calls or messages.

"Stupid." I mumbled to myself over and over again. "Why didn't I lock the door?" I asked myself as I fell back into the sofa and falling to the side, letting my legs dangle. Enid had run out of the apartment and could now be dead all because I couldn't lock a door.

The moment played in my mind,


I gasped awake from my dream I quickly sat up wiped my face. The dream was about Enid. Enid and I. Enid and I having sex in her bed. I squeezed my thighs together as I felt my pussy pulsing.

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