●Good Hello●

614 19 11

Prompt- Enid panics as she tries to ask Wednesday out

-Enids POV-

Today's the day. The day that I'm going to ask Wednesday out. I've been crushing on her for a while and it is slowly killing me inside.

I'm walking to the quad now, I need help from my bestfriend. I don't know how to ask Wednesday out and it doesn't help that I panic everytime I am near her. Another thing that doesn't help is that we are roommates.

"Yoko!" I yell as I run towards my bestfriend, running right into her, almost knocking both of us down. Yoko catches me as I jump onto her, hugging her tight.

"Woah, slow down, puppy." Yoko says, holding me up and patting my head. I jump down and grab her forearms, "I need help." I panic, shaking her slightly.

"Be specific." Yoko says before lowering her voice. "Do I need to grab a shovel?" She whispers, holding onto my wrists, grabbing them from her forearms and together inbetween us, pulling me closer so no one hears.

"What? No. Different help." I quickly say my heart running on adrenaline. Yoko raises an eyebrow for me to elaborate.

"Wednesday help. Gay help. I'm ready to ask her." Yoko gasps, putting a hand on her chest, she starts to fake cry. "My baby grows up so fast." Yoko teases.

"Yokooo." I whine, hitting Yoko's shoulder. "Alright, alright." Yoko looks behind them to see Wednesday sitting alone, talking into her bag, most likely Thing being there. "You know? If you want to ask Wednesday out, just grow a pair and tell her, she'll say yes, I'm sure." Yoko says, smiling softly.

"How can you be sure she will say yes?" I ask desperately, Divina joins in, throwing an arm around Yoko's shoulders. "She just know, she always does. How do you think we got together?" Divina points between them. "She told me that I like her because I couldn't tell her myself."

"I don't know." I chew on my lip and play with my hands as I look over at Wednesday. "I mean... how do you even bring it into a conversation?" I look back at the couple.

"Like a normal human being." Bianca jumps in, appearing at the side of me, causing the three to jump slightly. "Well how do I be a normal human being? I'm barely even human." I stated.

"Well, you could start it with good morning or hello, or you know... any other regular greeting." Yoko says, Divina adding on, "Don't make it too complicated. Now go get your girl." Divina puts a hand on my shoulder and pushes me in Wednesday's direction. I took a deep breath and straightened out my blazer. I walk up to Wednesday.

"Good morning, Enid." Wednesday greets, looking up at me from where she sat. "Good hello!" I greeted back, my face immediately scrunching at the realisation of what I said.

Meanwhile, Yoko, Divina and Bianca leaned into each other.

"She said good hello." Yoko repeats, not really surprised. "Its not even a real greeting!" Bianca stresses as the three continue to watch Enid fumble over her words while Wednesday looks up at her.

Another short one


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