☆ Wake up! ☆

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Prompt- The hyde attacks, Enid wasn't fast enough

-No one's POV-

Wednesday quickly turns around at sticks breaking. Her flashlight pointing at anything that moves.

"Enid? Is that you?" Wednesday asks out in the trees. They had split it to look for the Hyde. She should have listened to Enid on not splitting up. Wednesday stops in her tracks when she hears rushed running coming towards her.

Before she could turn around she was harshly pushed forward. She gets flown through the air. Her back hits a tree and she lays on the floor. Her eyes blur as she coughs, her body aches as she slowly attempts to stand back up but falls back down.

She looks up to see the Hyde walking towards her. She quickly attempts to crawl away but was in too much pain to actually crawl and kind of just shuffled on the floor. She felt a large hand grip tightly onto her ankle and she started to get dragged.

"No!" Wednesday yelled and tried to grab onto anything, but her hands kept slipping. She had never been this scared, she didn't want to die, not like this. "Enid!" Wednesday yelled.

She felt the hand let go of her ankle and tried to make a run for it but it grabbed onto her neck and picked her up, pushing her up against a tree. The grip around her neck tightens. The Hyde lifts it's other hand and slices down.

Right down Wednesday's stomach. Wednesday cries out in pain. The grip on her neck tightens and she fights for air. Her face starts turning colour as her eyes get filled with stars. Blood starts sputtering out her mouth.


-Enid's POV-

"Enid!" I heard Wednesday's cry for help as it echoes through the night.

"Wednesday." I whisper and start running towards the sound. 'God why didn't Wednesday listen to me' My mind only had one thought.

Wednesday. Where's Wednesday? Where did the scream come from? Why aren't I wolfing out? Wait. I slow down running. Why aren't I wolfing out?

Another one of Wednesday's cries for help echoes through the darkness. I looks around and sees Wednesday pinned up against a tree by the hideous Hyde.

"No, no, no, no, no..." I keep mumbling to myself, trying my hardest to turn. Wednesday's nails scratch into the Hydes hand but it's no use. Then, a sound echoes through the trees.

A crack.

My heart drops as Wednesdays arms fall to her side and her body relaxes.

"No!" I scream as I fall to my knees. The Hyde steps back, dropping Wednesday to the floor, the Hyde runs off. I quickly scramble to my feet and run over tripping over my feet but getting up again.

I fall next to Wednesday, I cup her face with one hand and moves her hair from her neck. I let out loud cries as Wednesday's neck looked distorted, one part out of place.

I lean my head down as I cry over Wednesday's body.

-No one's POV-

"Enid." She hears. Enid shoots her head up to see Wednesday, eyes open. "Enid, wake up."

"What?" Enid whispers. Wednesday's hands grab Enid's shpulders. "Wake up!" Wednesday throws Enid to the floor, she falls through the ground and into a dark abyss. She keeps falling until she hits a bed.

Enid gasps awake as she shoots up, her chest had tightened, restricting her breathing to a minimum. Hands grasped her shoulders. Her eyes were blurred by tears.

"Enid, console yourself." A voice filled her ears. Enids hand gripped onto the person's shirt. "It was only a dream, Enid." The persons voice said again. Enid slowly came back down, her eyesight cleared to reveal Wednesday sat on her knees in front of Enid. Wednesday's shirt bunched up in Enids hands.

Enid began to sob, she leaned forward and placed her head Wednesday's shoulder. Wednesday hesitated a little but moved her hands to Enids back and head.

"It's okay, Enid. It wasn't real." Wednesdya whispers into Enid's ear. "Stay with me." Enid mumbles, her voice strained. There was a moment of silence before Wednesday sighs.

"Of course." Wednesday moves to sit against Enids head board, pulling Enid down. Enid gets comfortable and lays her head on Wednesdays chest, one leg over Wednesdays legs and her arms around Wednesdays waist. Wednesdya puts one hand on Enid's back and one on Enid's head.

I would like to apologise for how long it has taken to get a chapter out.

I will try to work on one right after this is posted.


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