♧Control ♧

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(I lost the request)

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Prompt- Enid loses control.

-Wednesday POV-

It was my writing time at the moment, although I keep finding my mind wander to my girlfriend. She's been weird all day, which I was recently informed that it was a full moon tonight and it is probably triggering her wolf side.

I was mid sentence when Enids breath got heavier to the point they started to sound like pants. I stop my writing and turn around to see Enid thrashing around in her sleep. I feel myself getting worried for my wolf and stand up to walk over to her. That's when I notice her wolf features. She had a small layer of fur on her body, wolf ears had appeared on her head, her bed sheets had ripped due to her claws gripping and dragging at them.

I raise my hand above her shoulder, I hesitate a little, but place my hand on her shoulder and shake her body lightly, "Enid." I whisper and continue to shake her. It only took that as Enid jumps out of bed-

Now, you would think I am great with my reflexes, and I am, but I  can rely on them too much where they fail me. This is one of those moments, I tell you this because it is true, and I come to realise this as Enid has me pinned up against the wall, her claws had dug into my neck as her hand wrapped around my throat, blood dripped from each gash that Enid's claws had impaled me with.

I felt my breathing starting to restrict as her hand dug deeper, my hand wrapped around the wrist that held my throat, "Enid, i-it's m-m-me." I struggle to get out. Enid's eyes were a glowing bright yellow, her breath was heavy and blew on my face.

I started to choke and felt blood drip from my mouth. I let go of Enid's wrist with one of my hands and reach out to look for something to grab. I move my hand around until I grasp onto a cup. I grip hard and smash it against Enid's head, she heals fast so I felt a little better.

Her grip releases from my neck as she falls, my legs buckle from beneath me and I fall forward, I let out a small scream as I land on my arm, hearing it crash as it bends the opposite way. My breathing still felt restricted, the pain in my neck started numb, along with the feelings in my face.

My eyesight slowly focuses back and see Enid slowly get up, she was back to her normal human self. She takes a moment to look around at the smashed glass on the floor before her eyes land my unmoving body.

-Enid POV-

My eyes slowly open, my head was killing me. I sit up slowly and spot the broken shards of glass on the floor, the mess on my desk. I look around more and my eyes land on my girlfriend, my very unmoving girlfriend. A puddle of blood surrounded her head, blood coming from multiple gashes on her neck and dripped from her mouth, her arm had bent the opposite way.

"Wednesday!" I scream and quickly crawl over to her, ignoring the shards of glass that dig into my hands and knees. I grab her waist and carefully flip her over. She let's out a pained choke and more blood pours out.

"No, no, no, no, Wednesday, I'm going to take you to help don't worry, I'm sorry." I continue to mumble encouraging words to keep Wednesday awake as I, as carefully as I can, lift her up bridal style and make my way out of the room, my hand around the top half of her body pressing one of my shirts that I found around her neck to reduce the bleeding. "Help!" I begin to shout as I make my way down the halls, "Please! Someone help!" I continue to shout I hear running behind me.

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