{VI: Tatiana} In Which Kind Tatiana Wins

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Tatiana dragged the man inside. He was bleeding, and a trail of blood glistened on the floor. She left him on the floor to go stand on her balcony for a few minutes in the freezing cold, in case anyone was following him. She went back inside and got her real cane, stepping around the heap of muscle on the floor. She dumped the first aid kit on the floor next to the man, whom she assumed was Red Hood, while an internal debate between Selfish and Kind Tatiana ensued.

Selfish Tatiana: Why are we taking a random man with a bucket on his head into the APARTMENT!

Kind Tatiana: Because he's bleeding and he obviously needs help!

Selfish: We should leave him to the birds. He probably deserved whatever happened to him.

Kind: Nobody deserves to bleed out on a balcony. How would you like it if someone cut you up and left you on a balcony?

Selfish: I would never be in that situation.

Kind: Come on! We can get information this way!

Selfish: Nope. We should let him die.


Selfish: We should. And look! Now he's getting blood all over the nice hardwood.

Kind: It's fake wood.

Selfish: Whatever.

And just like that, Kind Tatiana won the debate and she flipped the man face up. Her knee screamed in protest as she kneeled and examined her patient. Her old friends used to say she was 'in the operating room' whenever she was in the zone and stitching up a patient.

She took his cracked armor off, piece by piece, setting it on the floor next to him. She grabbed a knife off of his belt and cut off his shirt, tugging softly where the blood had already dried. He had several cuts on his chest and what looked like a stab wound in his side. It didn't seem very deep, but it was bleeding profusely. She doused it in alcohol and then dug around the First Aid kit until she found a needle. She tore the packet open and took the needle out with tweezers.

She hummed as she worked, "Why you ever chose me, has always been a mystery." She inserted the needle into the skin and pushed it through to the other side. His skin was soft and warm, though decidedly colder than it should have been. "All my life I've been told I belong at the end of the line. With all the other not-quites, with all the other never-get-it-rights."

She sewed slowly but steadily, tying a knot at the end. "Turns out they're the ones you were lookin' for all this time." She cleaned up the rest of his torso, stitching where needed with tiny, even stitches, or otherwise applying ointment and bandages. "'Cause I'm just a nobody, trying to tell everybody, all about somebody, who saved my soul. And ever since you rescued me, you gave my heart a song to sing."

Her knee throbbed but she continued, struggling to take off his boot. Thankfully, it was only sprained. "I'm living for the world to see, nobody but Jesus. Moses had stage fright, and David brought a rock to a sword fight, and You picked twelve outsiders nobody would of chosen and they changed the world." She looked around for a wrap and came back with two. "The moral of the story is, everybody's got a purpose, so when I hear that Devil start to talking to me saying, 'Who do you think you are?' I say, 'I'm just a nobody, trying to tell everybody, all about somebody, who saved my soul.'" She wound the wrap around his ankle, setting it gently on the floor.

"And ever since you rescued me, you gave my heart a song to sing. I'm living for the world to see, nobody but Jesus." All she could see on his legs was a gash on his thigh, maybe where a bullet grazed it. She took the scissors from the kit and cut a hole around the wound. Because, personally, she did not want to cut his pants off. That would probably make for a lot of disturbing conversations.

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