𝐥𝐢𝐯. ɴᴇᴡ ғᴀᴄᴇ

Start from the beginning

Demetri was here to help. 


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DEMETRI AND ALEC HAD DISAPPEARED INTO CARLISLE’S OFFICE WITH THE DOCTOR. Rebekah could only imagine what they were discussing and instead decided to welcome the Denali coven with open arms and wide smiles.

“Shocker!” Rebekah cried out with a grin as she pulled Kate into a hug. “You’re looking amazing as usual.” 

“Thanks, Baby Cullen.” Kate smirked. “It’s good to see you again. Where is your shadow?” Rebekah rolled her eyes fondly at the way the blonde described Alec.

“He’s with Demetri and Carlisle.” Kate’s eyes widened at the name. “I know I was surprised too.”

“We just might survive this after all.”

“Now I didn’t come here to die.” A new voice spoke up from behind the Denali vampire and Rebekah smiled at the newcomer.

Her blond hair was pulled into braided buns and her attire was much rather that of a teenager than a vampire. A graphic tee stuffed into some cut-off shorts with a pair of white Converse. And her eyes told Rebekah everything she needed to know. Instead of gold, the girl’s eyes were an orange color - red with yellow highlighting them. She could only assume this new vampire had just started the animal diet. 

“Rebekah, this is Melody, the newest member of our Coven. I turned her just a few days after the wedding.” Kate put a hand on Melody’s shoulder with a proud smile on her lips and Rebekah could see the motherly love in the older blonde’s eyes. “Melody, this is Rebekah, one of our cousins.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, though I wish it were under better circumstances.” Rebekah held out her hand and Melody took it after a few seconds of thinking. 

“I’ll leave you girls to talk.” Kate told them before looking at Melody with a stern face, one that Esme wore often when scolding one of the Cullen children. “Play nice.”

Melody rolled her eyes fondly as Kate walked off, presumably to find her sister. 

“I know this is probably what you wanted. I know meeting new people can be tough.” Rebekah could feel the girl's nerves from where she stood, but she didn’t make a move to invade her space.

“I go where my family goes. I guess it’s just weird, I’ve never met another vampire close to my age.” Melody confessed with a shrug. “It’s just been me and the Coven with mo-Kate.”

Rebekah smiled at the little slip but didn’t say anything. “Well if you ever need to talk I am here. Leah may like you, but she’s a little picky when it comes to people.”

“Leah?” Melody raised a brow.

“She’s my best friend.” Rebekah told her and she slowly nodded for Melody to follow her. “So tell me a little about yourself.”

“Well, I was 17 when I was…turned, three days away from 18. I got mad at somebody, ran off and well nothing ever good happens when you are angry and alone. Kate found me and I’ve been in Denali ever since.” Melody listed off. “I am a huge fan of Nickelback and I would rather spend my days watching reruns of old Disney channel shows than talking to anybody.”

Rebekah giggled lightly and Melody smirked. “I think we are going to get along just fine. You seem like someone who is always up for something.”

Melody winked. “If you need a partner in crime I am your girl, but I do have to warn you - I have a bad temper. At least according to m-Kate.” The blonde shook her head. “Like seriously, Kate has had to lightly shock me to pull me out of my head when I go into rage mode.”

“Well, you're in luck. Leah calls me a walking Xanax.” The brunette grinned.

“I like this chick already.”

“Oh yeah, she is gonna love you.”

[a/n ✍︎]

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[a/n ✍︎]

And we have met Melody! I cannot wait to see how she affects the story and I love her character already.

Also, I wanna get serious for a moment.

I know I probably don’t update as often as you guys would like, as much as I would like.

But I have stuff that goes on that needs my attention. School and work are the two biggest and I am trying to balance them, but it has been hard. 

Hopefully, everything will cool down soon and I can start writing more.

I will update WHEN I CAN. That doesn’t mean I have given up on a book. I would never do that to y’all.

I love you guys so much and you have no idea how much your support means to me! 

That is all for now.


𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐓𝐇, alec volturi ✓Where stories live. Discover now