Embracing Uniqueness

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Have you ever felt like you just don't belong?
Like you're part of a puzzle that just doesn't fit along?
Like you're a square peg in a round hole
And your very existence is taking a toll

It's like walking into a room and feeling so small
Like every eye is on you, watching you fall
Like you're wearing a sign that says "different"
And people look at you like you're an exhibit

You try to blend in, to fit the mold
But it's like trying to shape water when it's cold
You feel like you're living in an alternate dimension
One where nothing seems to go in the right direction

People keep telling you to be yourself and stand out
But what if that's the reason you're stuck in this drought
What if who you are is the very thing that sets you apart
And makes it hard for others to invite you to their heart

It's like being stuck in limbo, in a world that's so diverse
Where fitting in is the key and standing out is a curse
But what if standing out is what truly makes us unique
What if our differences are what make us beautiful, not weak

It shouldn't be about fitting in, but rather finding your tribe
Where you can be your true self and truly thrive
A place where you're accepted for who you are
And not just for how well you play a part

It's about finding the people who understand
The ones who embrace your quirks and hold your hand
The ones who see beyond the surface level
And appreciate the beauty that goes beyond the revel

So let's celebrate our differences, and wear them with pride
For it's in our uniqueness that we truly come alive
Let's find a community where we can truly belong
A safe haven where we don't have to pretend there's nothing wrong

It may be hard at first, but don't give up the fight
For there's a place where you fit just right
Where you can be part of a puzzle that makes sense
Where you're surrounded by love and acceptance

So let's stop telling people to fit in, to be like the rest
Let us celebrate their differences and not put them to the test
For it's in our differences that we truly grow
And find our niche, our tribe, our flow

So when you feel like you don't belong
When you feel like you're part of a puzzle that just doesn't fit along
Remember that your uniqueness is what sets you apart
And in a world that's so diverse, that's truly a work of art.

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