Woe me

587 10 13

before this chapter starts, lemme put two major tw's, one small tw, amd several irrelevant tws bc that's what i do and i think I'm funny

-literally one mention of death
-Esme being stupid
-Esme jumping to conclusions
-lack of wenclair

enjoy xx


Esme's POV:

I walk out of the infirmary after dropping off Ajax and his bleeding nose. I honestly have not a single clue what is going on with him, but I can't deny that I did enjoy playing nurse for him for that little while. Maybe it's because he's so cute when he's delirious. I don't know, but at least now he's actually getting medical attention. I start to walk back to my dorm, knowing i need a break after surviving this abomination of a school.


I immediately start walking faster, knowing who that voice is. I don't need this, not today. Was today not enough for him?

"Esmeralda, you will stop and look at me this instant!"

I stop, and turn around to look at him. I'm really dreading this.

"What do you want, Mr Smith?"

"I want to have a talk with you. Come into my office."

"Can't we talk here?"

"Esmeralda Ottinger. We will talk in my office. Now."



I follow slowly as he walks me to his office. I keep telling myself to stay calm, and that nothing will happen if I don't want it to. I knew I went one too far in literature earlier today but I didn't think I'd have to suffer the consequences this early. Things would be so much easier if I could just kill him like I usually did with pedos before the whole adoption thing happened and I had to be a good citizen.

I shouldn't have to worry about these things anymore. I'm supposed to be safe, that's this school's whole slogan. Why is this still happening to me? What did I do wrong?

He opens the door for me as I walk into his office and he shuts the door. He uses his key to lock it.

Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry-

"I'm not mad about what you did in lesson."


"You're not?"

"Of course not. You didn't do it out of malice. You were clearly just embarrassed about getting that question wrong."

"But I didn't-"

"Please don't talk when your teacher is talking."

I gulp back tears, already knowing where this is going. I should've just ran when I had the chance. God, why am I breathing so heavily?

"It was a one-off day, an error, an outlier in usually good days. I don't want to punish you too harshly, especially given that you're new,"

Please don't say it, please don't say it.

"and because you're a perfectly fine student."


He walks closer to me, and I walk backwards. I don't even realise that he has me cornered until my back is pressed against the wall.

"You should try not to be too dramatic, Esmeralda. It'll get you into trouble, and we don't want that, do we?"

I shake my head, trying to hold back tears. God, this is really happening, isn't it?

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