Love yourself and the world will woe you

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Wednesday's POV:

Enid is coming back.

I hadn't anticipated how hard a week without Enid would be. I knew that I didn't like the fact that she left the first time, but this time she didn't check in several times a day. It was starting to bring me agony, and not the good kind. That doesn't matter anymore, though. Enid is coming back. She's coming back. I'm okay now.

Eugene's sister, Esme Ottinger, came by to help me clean fifteen minutes ago. She sits beside me in maths, so I wasn't surprised upon seeing her, but she is a very beautiful person. Her beauty is almost like that of a siren song. It's alluring, in all the best and worst ways. The worst part is, she doesn't seem to notice. She seems to be oblivious to the way people stop everything that they're doing to stare at her in awe. Not only boys, girls too. Even the staff. It's hard not to fall for her. But that's why I'm confused as to why my love for Enid completely overshadowes my attraction to Esme.

Esme has a nice appearance, but Enid is my nitrogen, my oxygen. I've hardly been living without her. I haven't eaten in days, it has become increasingly harder for me to take care of my hygiene, I quite literally can't sleep. Enid has made me fear rejection like never before. But it's okay. Once Enid walks through that door, I'll be able to breathe again.

All of a sudden, I hear a ding from my phone. I assume it's Bianca warning me not to get too obsessed with the cleaning, but I don't hear my phone have a seizure after five minutes. I decide that it's not Bianca, and so I pick up my phone to see who it is.


Oh my, It's Enid. It's Enid. Enid just texted me, Why am I starting to hyperventilate? My hands are also getting shaky.


im coming back to the dorm today.

I'm aware

Enid reads my text and leaves it on read for a while. I stare at my phone, waiting for a reply, before deciding that I won't get one. I am about to turn off my phone when I actually get a reply.

i need to talk to you
when i get to the dorm
ill be there in fifteen minutes
i need to stop off at yokos place first

And then she goes offline, and I know I won't get another reply. I turn off my phone and toss it on my bed. I also sit up from my typewriter. It's strange. Usually I'd find myself unable to even leave my chair before my hour of writing time is finished, but recently, I've found myself wanting to stop writing as soon as I possibly can. I've started procrastinating, rushing my work, or avoiding it altogether. I severely hope that this issue will be fixed when Enid comes back.


Two minutes left.

Two minutes until I can finally carry out respiration. Two minutes until I can function as I'm supposed to. I stand directly in the middle of our dorm where the tape that separated our sides used to be. The floorboards are slightly uneven, but it's okay. The room is spotless, my appearance is spotless. I showered and brushed my teeth and washed my hair and changed all for this. My braids are perfectly intact. The door opens. I prepare myself, expecting Enid to be there.

It's just Thing.

Thing taps. "I'm back."

"Where have you been? Should I remind you that you were expected to show up on Friday of last week?"

"I wanted my beauty rest!"

"You're a disembodied hand. You have no beauty standards."

"That doesn't mean I can't put in any efforts in my appearance!"

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