Lie or Woe?

932 22 41

Wednesday's POV:

I remember it all.

Why did I open my mouth! I've never been one to regret my actions but it's clear that I made her uncomfortable. She left me a note this morning saying that she'd be catching up with friends and that 'We need to talk.' I've been friends with her long enough to know that this is bad news, and not the good kind.

As if being friends with Enid wasn't enough stress. Now I have to live with the fact that it hasn't been 24 hours since I've come to terms with my feelings for her and I've already managed to spill my guts out to her. It just proves how much of an effect she has on me, it's sickening. Why did I even catch feelings for her in the first place!

Oh wait...

*flashy back UwU*

"So how are you liking my hometown so far Wednesday?"

We had gone out to ice skate. I had been against the idea given that the skates are too blunt to do any permanent damage to anyone so the activity was pointless. Though I hate to admit it, I actually preferred San Francisco to New Jersey. Only because I hadn't been bombarded once with empty forms of gratitude, gifts etc. Or so I thought...

"I can tolerate it."

"YAYAYAYAYAYAY OK GREAT!!!!! This is so much fun!"

Another thing, I had not known how to ice skate. I didn't think of it as much as an essential life skill as no one would walk around with ice skates on hand to swiftly move away from danger, so I never thought to practice. I wish I had though - it would save me the trouble I was about to get myself into.

I start to lose balance around 5 minutes later since I attempted to skate on a part of the ice that no one else had dared to touch. Serves me right, I guess. But as soon as I began to fall backwards, Enid skates to my direction and catches me in a dip before I could blink.

"...You okay?"

*End of flashy back x*

Before you assume that the reason I started having feelings towards Enid is because she saved my fall, I'd like to remind you of something. I do not need to be saved. I would've been fine if I had fallen and while I am grateful I didn't have to endure that fall, it is not necessarily what drew me to Enid.I don't care if this sounds desperate, I'll say it anyways because you're just a sad lonely reader that spends their free time reading romance novels to distract yourself from the realisation that your life has no real purpose or meaning. I refuse to be judged by you. The reason I fell for Enid was because of the way she looked at me.

She looked at me with a little smug reaction (She was more than likely convinced that she was now one her favourite comic fiction heroes, Spiderman to be specific). She was smirking slightly and her eyes expressed that she herself was shocked, drawing my attention to her eyes and lips. I then started to scan her entire face, only just then noticing how attractive Enid really is. I have no idea how I didn't come to terms with my feelings before. Nothing about the way I've thought about her for the past month has been platonic, how I only realised that yesterday is a mystery to me.

I actually-

Knock knock

Great. I have a hangover. The knocking rackets through my brain like an axe to the skull; it's not as enjoyable as I'd hoped. I sit up in my bed and yell as best as i can...

"The doors open!"

Which actually only came out as a mere whisper. Luckily whoever heard me came in before I could attempt to shout again- you've got to be fucking kidding me! Why are they here‽

Hysteria|WenclairOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora