05. Trial of the Witch (Wattpad Witches)

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Wattpad Witches

Against the warnings that echoed across the sea, you find yourself entangled in an enchanting dance with a captivating witch. Embrace the allure of this forbidden alliance and explore the thrilling saga that unravels amidst sorcery and wickedness.

The sea spoke. The water's voice was quiet, hushed. But its words were strong, and its tone formidable. Don't listen to her, it said. Don't let her pull you in.

Elyn Tusit clutched the rail of the ship, her knuckles turning white. She had never ventured this far from home before. She had no idea what to expect when her ship docked on the western coast.

Close your eyes.

Ignoring the warning, Elyn looked to the other passengers. If anyone else was hearing the voice, they didn't show it.

Close your eyes. She'll see you.

A gust of wind whipped at her hair and robes. Elyn took a step back, blinking against the storm. She should have stayed with her family below deck, but she had been determined to watch the sea.

Her hands found the railing again and she opened her eyes to find that the winds had stopped. The sea had calmed, and a tattered raft was floating not far from the ship. The only figure onboard waved to Elyn.

The sea's warnings grew louder. Elyn moved to clap her hands over her ears, but stopped when she heard a second voice.

"Throw me a rope," the woman on the raft called.

Elyn hesitated. The other passengers weren't looking at the raft or answering the stranger's plea. The crew had taken no notice of the stranded woman.

A coil of rope was thrown on the deck not far from Elyn. She grabbed it, but before she tossed it over the side, she stopped. A sudden cold burst ran over her, her hairs standing on end. There was no longer anyone on the raft.

The sea had become silent.

"So slow."

Elyn turned to find the young woman behind her. With two red braids, burning eyes, and pale skin, the stranger could not have looked anymore unlike Elyn herself. Her robes were elegant and black, baring the mark of the Witches.

"Hmm," she said, pressing her lips together. "I think I hear some music. Do you hear it?"

A soft melody reached Elyn, although there were no musicians nearby. She turned her gaze back to the Witch. She was whistling, but the sound was like that of a flute. A beautiful tune that continued to play long after she had stopped whistling.

The stranger reached a tattooed hand out to Elyn. "Let's dance," she said.

"How did you get here?" Elyn's voice shrunk as she accepted the stranger's hands. She was pulled towards her; enchanted by her.

"You, Elyn. You let me onboard when you listened to me." She swung Elyn under her arm, spinning her across the deck. Again, no one else on the ship took any notice of them.

"You're a Witch."

"I am Salya." The Witch's smile was beautiful. They spun around the deck and every time Salya moved by a passenger, she stuck her hand into their pocket and removed any valuables. "Are you scared, Elyn? I won't take anything from you."

Elyn wanted to tell her that she wasn't scared, but her voice had vanished. Their dance stopped abruptly as Salya turned her attention to a lantern. She opened the bronze latch and reached into the flame.

"Now," Salya said, ignoring Elyn's protests, "We shall have some true light."

Pulling her hand out, Salya brought the flames with her. They moved over her skin before bursting across the desk. A ring of fire crackled around them.

"The people below deck, my family-" Elyn went to grab the witch's arm, but Salya caught her hands, her grin wide.

"Just for a moment. It won't harm them."

Salya started their dance again, her head thrown back. She chanted something – a language Elyn had never heard before, but instantly wanted to learn. Around them the other passengers started to change, some shrinking and some growing.

"Better company," Salya explained, her spell complete. She had transformed the passengers into wild beasts, creatures Elyn had never seen before. The music picked up and Salya's pace increased until she was practically throwing Elyn off her feet.

Eyes wide, Elyn flew over the deck. Salya's touch was light as their fingers met. The air around her shimmered with dark energy. Everything in the world had disappeared save from the Witch, her creations, and the night sky.

Elyn paused to catch her breath, her cheeks flushed. The creatures were now dancing also, with Salya at the heart of the party, her arms raised towards the sky. She was chanting again. Her words, while dangerous, were melodic.

For a moment Elyn thought Salya was changing the music, then she realised the stars had grown brighter. She watched in awe as Salya rearranged the night sky, constellations shifting at her will.

When she was done, a new shape had formed overhead. The constellation was shaped like two twirling figures.

Salya's hands found Elyn's again. The fire raged as they continued their dance. "A gift for you. The sky will never be the same again. Thank you for tonight, Elyn. No one ever lets me aboard. No one ever wants to dance with me."

Considering she had robbed countless strangers and transformed them, Elyn wasn't surprised. But none of this she would mention to the Witch. "Why me? You could have spoken to anyone onboard."

Salya's smile was wicked. "Because I liked you best."

Before Elyn could form a response, Salya kissed her lightly. Elyn blinked, her heartbeat becoming a wild rhythm, but when she opened her eyes, the witch was gone and so were her creatures.

The chatter of the other passengers resumed, as did the warnings from the sea. Elyn ignored their voices. She was too busy admiring the starlight picture Salya had formed of them, her fingers resting softly on her lips.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2023 ⏰

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