Chapter Twenty Seven

Start from the beginning

"Yes please your highness."

Beast gave the girl a gentle smile before turning to go and get the aforementioned kids. Of course he had to blink in surprise as he saw both Ben and Mal standing behind him.


"The walls echo, papa," Ben said and Beast had to nod. That made sense now that Beast thought about it.

"Hi Evie," Ben said with a grin.

"Hello Ben," Evie said, a soft smile on her lips. "I...I wanted to come and give Mal her invitation. Seems it got stuck in daddy's book case because he used one of the invitations as a book mark."

Mal frowned slightly in suspicion but took the invitation. Sure enough the ink rubbed off on her fingers but Mal wasn't going to say anything. She knew Ben wanted to befriend Evie for some reason so she wasn't going to make life harder for the blue haired girl.

Plus, she didn't want a lecture from Beast since the man was still standing by the gate!

"...Don't expect a present or anything from me," she told Evie.

"Oh no, of course not. I know this is last minute," Evie nodded. Mal sighed but glanced at Ben. She really didn't want to but if he did...

"Can we go papa?" Ben asked.

"I don't see why not," Beast said with a small smile. "I'll let Lord Hades and Lady Persephone know where you are Mal, so they don't worry."

Mal nodded. "That...that is appreciated," she said. Well...looks like I have no choice. But hey, at least I'm going. Even if all Blueberry's doing is getting into Ben's good books, at least I won't be one of the only ones without an invite.

The three of them made their way to Evie's party, which Mal happened to note was right in view of Bargain Castle. AKA Maleficent's castle.

Wow, playing with fire aren't you? Mal thought as Uma and Harry came up to her; both of them holding what looked like... kittens?

"Lucifer apparently had a fling with one of the stray female cats of the Isle," Uma told Mal as she saw the quizzical look. "I'll split the rest of my baddie bag with you though."

"Thanks," Mal said as Evie handed Ben a 'baddie bag'. Seemed animals were a recurring theme as Ben pulled a creature out of his. However, Mal frowned as Ben quickly put it back into the bag and pulled Mal off to the side.

"What is it?"

"We have a problem," Ben told her. "I need you to tell Uma to come over here."

Mal raised an eyebrow but shrugged. Yes it was very 'un Ben' to give her orders but if it meant he was finally coming into his own as a part time Isle dweller, Mal wasn't going to question it.

"What's up Benny?" Uma asked after Mal went to get the teal haired squidling.

"I need you to look in my 'baddie bag' and tell me if I'm seeing things," Ben said and held open the bag. Both Mal and Uma looked inside.


"Yeah Mali?"

"Is that a hyena cub in Ben's bag?"

"It sure is."

"Has Blueberry lost whatever sense the Gods gave her?"

Harry shook his head as he came over and overheard a part of the whispered conversation. "Well that explains why Fish for Brains is blathering about a boy hyena cub in his bag. Shenzi's cubs must be part of the baddie bags."

Mal sighed and shook her head. "Okay then. Ben, you and Gil need to go to the docks and...I don't know where but you need to set up a shelter for the cubs."

"Papa's got a ship he doesn't use. He won't care if we set up there," Harry said.

"Good," Mal nodded.

"Harry, go with Gil and Benny," Uma told him. "Take Henry so you don't end up killing Gil. Mal and I will see if we can't find the other two cubs."

Harry nodded and the two boys headed off; Harry only pausing to get Henry and to drag Gil off as well.

"Alright," Mal sighed. "Who would have the other two?"

"Mali...Shenzi had four cubs," Uma said, the thought coming to her. "Two boys..."

"...And two girls," Mal finished her cousin's sentence.


Mal sighed. "Well...I think a safe bet would be to look in Blueberry's castle. One of Ben's allies across the bridge has a mom who has a tiger so it's not like it would be out of pocket for a 'Princess' to have a hyena."

"Then who would have the other cub?" Uma asked.

"I'm not sure," Mal said. "You get some of the other girls here to find the cub and take her back to the boys. I'll go and see about checking out Blueberry's castle."

"Be careful Mal," Uma said.

"I'm always careful," Mal smirked but nodded, as if to convey that she appreciated her cousin's concern. The two cousins split off and Mal made her way to Evie.

"Hello Mal, having a good time?" Evie asked with a grin.

"You're about to have a bad time," Mal said and Evie's grin faded. "Where's the hyena cub?"

"I...I don't..."

"Evie," Mal said and Evie paused as that had been the first time Mal had ever said her name. "You're not as dumb as you want people to think. You gave Ben a boy hyena cub in his baddie bag because of his rank across the bridge and you want to have favor with him. For some reason you gave Gil a boy hyena cub so that just leaves the two girl hyena cubs. And you know Shenzi won't take long to realize her cubs are missing. Do you want an angry hyena at your party?"

"...Maddy has Madoa and mother gifted me Jasiri," Evie said quickly. "I told her I was fine with Iago's son but she insisted that a Princess has something that made her stand out. Jasiri's back at the castle in my room but I can't leave my party. It wouldn't be good hosting according to mother."

"Then it's a good thing I know how to break into places," Mal said. "Be right back."

Before Evie could blink, Mal turned and made her way over to Castle-Across-The-Way otherwise known as the Castle of the Evil Queen. Thankfully, the Evil Queen didn't have much in the way of security though that was probably because most of the Isle was at her daughter's party. Slowly making her way into the castle, Mal crept along as she looked for a sign that she was coming to Blueberry's room.

"...Why am I not surprised she has her door painted blue?" Mal shook her head as she came across the only locked door. "Okay, lock picking skills from Emir, don't let me down."

It took a minute but soon Mal found herself with a very sleepy hyena cub in her arms.

"Your mama will be happy to have you home," Mal told Jasiri, quickly shedding the cub of the blue leather collar Evie had put on her. Quietly making her way out of the castle, Mal made her way to the docks and couldn't help but smile as she saw Uma making her way there as well.

"Maddy put up a fight but we got the other cub," Uma said. "I'm about to head over to Shenzi to let her know her cubs are safe if you want to join Mali?"

"Sounds good," Mal nodded. They set the cubs into the Captains' Quarters of the ship and made their way back down the gangplank. Hey, Mal might not have cared for Evie but the girl did not need an angry hyena crashing her party.

Even if the thought did amuse Mal, her dad didn't need the extra work!

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