Chapter Twelve

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Belle sighed as she and Beast made their way to Ben's room. Normally they'd would have tried the guest room where young Mal was situated, however since Lady Persephone had stated that she'd gone down for a nap back during the council meeting, they figured it might be best if they tried Ben's room first.

Plus, it would afford them some privacy that wasn't often provided royals of their stature.

However, she couldn't help but smile as she saw her son playing with Chip. The older boy was a lifesaver at times, and Belle would forever be grateful to him.

"Hiya Maman! Hiya Papa!" Ben said with a grin as he saw them in the doorway.

"Hi Ben," Belle smiled as Ben ran over to them and Beast lifted their son up into his arms. She fought to not bite her lip at the sight but rather focused on giving Chip a smile as well. "Hello Chip."

"Hey Belle," Chip said, returning the smile. "Do you want mom to bring Abby to you? Is the council meeting done?"

"Not at the moment Chip honey, but thank you. I...I hate to ask but can we have a moment alone with Ben please?"

"Sure Belle," Chip nodded as he got up. "Ben...I'll be in the library if you want to play later okay?"

"Okay Chip," Ben said with his usual grin as Belle tried to give Chip another smile as he left. It was clear that the older boy was clearly sensing that something was wrong judging by how slowly he actually left the room.

Beast sighed as the door shut and he sat Ben down on his bed. "Okay Ben, there's...there's something papa has to tell you," he said, moving Ben's beloved stuffed dragon so that he could sit next to his son.

"What is it?" Ben asked, tilting his head.

"There's...there's no easy way for me to tell you this. You know how we have the Isle of the Lost?"

Ben nodded. "Uh huh. That's where Mal's from!"

"Well...papa has to go to the Isle."

I guess we're not delaying giving him the news, Belle thought with a sad smile as Ben tilted his head once more in slight confusion.

"...Why?" Ben asked. "You and Maman always say that the Isle's for people who did bad things...and I know Mal hasn't done anything bad but she's there too. Are you going to just say hi and then come back, like you do when you go visit Emir's papa or Akiho's?"

Beast sighed. "No know how Papa's been very busy being King and making sure everyone is safe and happy here in Auradon? Well...I didn't realize there were kids on the your age like Mal...they slipped through the cracks. Some very, very bad things happened to them because of that and papa should have never let them because of that...papa now has to live on the Isle himself."

"...No!" Ben said, launching himself at Beast once the news seemed to have a chance to sink in. "No I don't want you to go Papa! Why not just say sorry? Maman says that makes things better and then Abby and I keep our Papa!"

Belle pressed a hand to her mouth to muffle a sob that was threatening to escape, the tears she'd managed to suppress earlier were coming back in full force as Ben continued to hold onto his father, as if letting go would mean that Beast would leave.

"I...I never get to see you again?"

"No, no, you'll still see me," Beast said. While he might have disliked the idea when it was first proposed, he had never been more grateful for Lady Persephone's suggestion than he was at that moment. Because of her, he had something to reassure his son with, even if it only marginally eased his heartbreak at Ben's tears."Lady Persephone's offered to help take you and your sister once she's old enough to see me and you'll stay with me for a while. Six months with me, six months with your Maman."

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