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Eri runs through the alley, eyes wide with fear. Taking a quick glance backwards, she confirmed that Overhaul's men were still chasing her, and were quickly catching up. Her eyes widened even further at seeing this, and mentally screamed for her legs to move faster, using up the last of her strength for a quick burst of speed, finally exiting the alley and slamming face first into someone's leg, causing her to fall onto her butt.

"Oh, are you okay, little one?" The man she ran into says, not unkindly.

Eri stares up at the man, eyes wide. The odd man has green eyes and hair, alongside diamond-shaped freckles on both cheeks, and he's wearing an odd, green business suit.

"P-please save me..." Eri says quietly, no small amount of fear in her voice, having started to look at the ground in fear.

The green-haired man looks at her pursuers, who have stopped running, and are instead approaching slowly, trying not to provoke him, not knowing what his quirk might be and as such not currently willing to fight him.

"Hmmm, let's make a deal, little one." He says, causing her to look back at his face. "I will save you, and ensure that they will never find you again, and in exchange you will be loyal to me until the day that you die. Sound fair?" He Questions as he pulls out a knife and opens a shallow cut on his palm, drawing blood, and extends his hand down to her.

Eri nods rapidly and reaches out to him, only for him to suddenly grab her wrist and open a shallow cut on her palm, causing her to wince from the pain. He then releases her wrist and wraps his bleeding hand around hers, a green flame surrounding their hands as they seal the deal.

The man then stands straight up and faces her pursuers, before vanishing and appearing amongst them, summoning a blade from thin air and beheading all of them in an instant.

"Now then, little one, allow me to properly introduce myself." He says as the sword vanishes and he begins to walk towards her. "My name is Izuku Midoriya, but you can call me Lucifer, or, if you would prefer, you can call me The Deal Maker."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2023 ⏰

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