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"We'll make camp tonight over there, get on the road at the break of day." Rick informs pointing to some brick structure. Someone had moved next to Julia but she never saw who until Carol came on her other side. She was sandwiched and she didn't even feel threatened by their proximity....

Something was definitely wrong with Julia. She didn't even notice how earlier everyone was grabbing her on the interstate checking on her. She didn't cuss them out or anything.

"Does this feel right to you guys?" Carol asks Julia and Daryl who was the person that leaned on the car next to her.

"What if walkers come through, or another group like Randall's?" Beth asks in a panic. "You know I found Randall, and Julia right?" Daryl asks all eyes go to Julia as she looks away, she didn't even remember being found.

"What happened out there Julia?" Rick asks gravely like he already knew and he did.... Shane told him.

"I saw Shane..... he let Randall loose so I followed them into the woods. I watched him.... Snap Randall's neck. He found me. We fought, I busted his face..... and then he hit me with a gun on the head. Everything after that's black." Julia states with a cold detached voice as everyone stares at her in disbelief.

"Randall turned. But he wasn't bit." Daryl informs as Julia cooperates that Randall died from the snapped neck. "How's that possible?" Beth asks and Rick sighs.

"Rick- what the hell happened after you all went looking?" Lori asks her husband who she could see was off.

"Shane killed Randall..... tried to kill Julia." Daryl rephrases the events waiting for Ricks interjection but he stays silent.

"Just like he always wanted too." Daryl finishes, everyone knew Shane and Julia had problems they just never knew how deep rooted it was.

"And then the herd got him?" Lori asks confused as Julia looks up.... It seemed odd for Shane to die to walkers. Rick stays silent and looks amongst the group as if he were debating telling them all something.

"We're all infected." Rick states with certainty making Julia perk up for the first time since leaving the interstate.

"What?" Daryl asks in disbelief as everyone stares at Rick.

"At the CDC... Jenner told me. Whatever it is, we all carry it." Rick explains while everyone looks disturbed even Daryl walked away to take a moment to control his usual anger. He was getting better at controlling it.

"And you never said anything?" Carol asks incredulously as Rick looks unbothered by the hostility.

"Would it have made a difference?" Rick asks and everyone even Glenn looked upset by this revolution. "You knew this whole time?" Glenn asks with pain in his voice and betrayal.

"How could I known for sure? You saw how crazy that mo-" Rick begins to defend himself but Glenn doesn't let up.

"That isn't your call. Okay when I found out about the walkers in the barn, I told for the good of everyone." Glenn insists as Julia raises a pale shaky hand.

"I'd like to take this one- Glenn you only told after spilling to Dale, Dale was going to tell us but you told him you would first. You didn't spill right away okay? And you had evidence you saw it. How was Rick to know? It was his call he leads this group okay- and I don't know about any of you guys but..... I'll follow him blindly because he does what's good for us all not just himself. Shane- Shane was evil...... there's a lot you guys don't even know that he did. It's better Rick here then him. He's gonna keep us all safe." Julia rants as everyone stares at her, Rick giving a nod in thanks since everyone but she was attacking him.

THE COLD WAR (Daryl Dixon)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ