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As Taehyung pulled up into the parking lot, Yoongi sat nervous in his seat. What if Jungkook hated him after the confrontation? What if he wanted a divorce? Yoongi was thinking the worst, when his thoughts were interrupted by a voice speaking to him. “Yoongi? Earth to Yoongi?” Snapping out of his thoughts, his eyes gazed upon his friends eyes. “No matter what will happen, I will have my door open for you to stay with me until Jungkook calms.” Taehyung spoke. Yoongi swallowed what was in his throat, nodding. “Okay. Thank you, Tae. I can trust you.” Unbuckling his seatbelt, he opened the car door, standing out and walking to the door. About to unlock it, the door opened for him. Jungkook stood there, face contorted to a mad one. “What did you do this time?” He asked.

“What? I didn’t do anything, why do you not trust me? Why are you always so cold and mean, you never love me and you never- never appreciate me. Why are you like this? You were so happy on our wedding day, on our anniversary last year. What happened to the husband I love and adore? To the husband that let me be myself. What voice posessed you into acting like this?” Yoongi confronted. Taehyung watched the whole conversation, seeing a door slam on Yoongis face. “Jungkook!” Yoongi shouted, unlocking the door and walking in. Taehyung parked Yoongis car, getting out and walking inside as quietly as he could. What he walked in on, wasn’t pretty. Yoongi and Jungkook were glaring at each other, neck to neck about to fight. “Oh..shit..” he mumbled to himself.

“You never appreciate anything I do, you just shut everyone out, even me! I always get off my ass, run around to make you feel as comfortable as possible. Just appreciate me for once, asshole!” Yoongi argued. Jungkook rolled his eyes. “What have you ever done for me to make me feel comfortable?” He asked. Yoongi stared at his husband. “What have I- I’m done. What the fuck. I literally cook for you, get dressed up for you, make our bed, wash your clothes, make them smell nice, try to hug you and give you small love touches, just so you don’t shut me the hell out, but oh, what do you know? It happens anyways. What happened to Jeon Jungkook and Jeon Yoongi..? The best couple in love senior year?” Yoongi asked brokenly, feeling a hand on his shoulder. “Yoongi.” He wiped his face. “What?” His head lifted up, looking into the cold eyes of his husband. “Why are you crying?”

Yoongi wanted to tell him, ‘You make me cry’, but instead shook his head. “Don’t even worry about it. You hate it, anyways. You hate everything.” He walked off to the front door, stopped by a hand. Jungkook stared at him with a small glint in his eye. “Why are you wearing mascara? Go wash it off.” Yoongi sighed, walking upstairs to the bathroom. “And scrub that nail polish off! It makes you girly!” Taehyung gawked, thinking this was worse than he thought. “Jungkook..do you think that was a bit harsh on him?” Jungkook looked at Taehyung. “Yeah, you’re right. Wash your hair, too! It’s greasy.” Yoongi groaned from upstairs. Taehyung crossed his arms. “You know you’re hurting him, right?” Jungkook shrugged. “Gets the job done.”

“You don’t love him, do you? He’s always talking about how cold you are. How mean you are to him. How..emotionally unstable he is. Because of you.” He looked upstairs. “He is?” Taehyung sat on the couch. “Well, yeah. He cries when you’re gone. He cooks everything for you and makes your lunch..makes your bed. Think about how much he’s tried for you.” Yoongi walked downstairs with his hair tied up in half a bun. Clean and fresh. “Thank you for getting yourself cleaned up.” The male rolled his eyes, walking into the kitchen. Taehyung let out a small breath of despair, wishing he could help more. “I hope you’re happy with the pain you’re causing your husband. I’m going home.” Taehyung stood up, walking out. Jungkook looked at the kitchen, stepping foot in. His thought walking in was, What should I say? What should I..do? Should I go up to him? Watching his husband put things away, he decided to go up to him, giving him a hug from behind.

Yoongi physically tensed up. “Let go.” He said. Jungkook would not let go, he tightened the hold he had his husband in. “Jungkook, let go.” He wouldn’t listen. “I said let go, why are you not listening to me?” Yoongi shoved Jungkook off him, putting the food away in the fridge, getting out the old ones as he threw them away. “You’re throwing out food?”

“You don’t eat it, and it has mold on it. So, I have to throw it away.” Jungkook scoffed. “Wasteful.” He started. Yoongi slammed a container into the kitchen sink, storming off to the guest room. “What is wrong with you?” Jungkook asked aloud. Yoongi stopped, looking out the room. “With me? What’s wrong with you?! You fight with me, hug me, then call me wasteful? YOU DON’T EVEN EAT MY FOOD! Why do I even cook for you?! Who even are you anymore?” Jungkook just stared at Yoongi, no emotion in his eyes. “I married you because I love you. I loved you to pieces, from the bottom of my heart, my whole body. MY body is worn out from doing everything for your ass. What do you do? Tell me. What do you do for me?”

“I’ve done tons of things!”

“Like what? Name it.”

Jungkook crossed his arms, rolling his eyes. “I wear a tux for you, take you on dates, bring you flowers, kiss you. I work my ass off at work just so you can get what you want.” Yoongi stood in disbelief. “You sure as hell don’t take me on dates, bring me flowers or kiss me. For a whole god damn year, you’ve avoided me, you hate my hugs, my kisses, me being happy. Do you WANT me to be sad? Do you like the- the pain you’re flicking into my head? I have never said this to you, but, Fuck you, Jeon Jungkook.” Yoongi slammed the guest room door, closing and locking it. Jungkook stood in place, staring at the guest room door. He now started to feel guilt rise inside his body. Walking off to let Yoongi cool down.

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