Once we were done she asked me to close my eyes and stand up. She put her hands on my shoulder and led me a few steps away. When I opened my eyes I saw my reflection in the mirror.

She kept telling me on how I was beautiful and how she wished she could have her wedding again. I was zoned out thinking about my appearance when one compliment caught my attention.

"...-and your eyes are so pretty too!" She said enthusiastically.

I looked towards the ground, a small bead of water rolled down my cheek and fell on the floor.

(Suma pov)

I was complimenting her but stopped at the one about her eyes when I heard a small sniffle. I looked at Kanao-San. She was looking at the ground with a water streak down her cheek.

'Did I make her cry?'

I got down to her level and used my pointer finger to lift her chin up so she was looking me. She was indeed crying, but why?

I look her in the eyes. "I'm sorry that I made you cry, even though I don't know how." I hugged the 'bride'.

She stopped crying. "It's ok. I should be over it now."

"It's ok to cry. I just hope I didn't offend you."

"No no, you're ok. We should probably get back now." Kanao-Chan started walking back to the others across the room. "Aoi-San, Nezuko-Chan, you both look beautiful!" She said.

The three 'brides' continued to talk -or try to talk (Nezuko)- to each other.

It was about 30 minutes until the 'wedding', so me Makio-Chan and Hinatsuru-Chan left the room along with the love and insect Hashira to make sure everything was prepared.

(Tanjiro pov)

I heard Inosuke up in the tree talking to himself. At first it was just a mumble, but then he looked up at the sky and was talking again.

"Ma..." I heard him say.

'He must be talking to his mother' I thought. I kept listening for a bit.

(Inosuke pov)

"Ma... Why do I get this weird feeling when I'm around the blue butterfly?"

I sat in a tree talking to my Okaa-San. I knew she wasn't really there, but it felt nice to at least pretend she was staring down at me, watching.

"Anyways, I'm supposed to get married today. I'm getting married to the pigtails girl. She was the one I told you about earlier, who made me take gross medicine. Gonpanchiro is going with the pink butterfly, and the cry baby is going with demon girl. I don't know why, but he's always so happy around her."

(Tanjiro pov)

I decided to stop listening and call him down because I felt like I was intruding. Plus, it was almost time for me and Kanao-san's 'wedding'.

I stepped back a bit and pretended as though I had just found him.

"Inosuke!" I ran up to him as he turned around to look at me. "There you are! It's almost time to start, let's go!"

Inosuke jumped out of the tree and started walking back to the mansion as if he wasn't just talking to himself about his emotions.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm going Ganponchiro!" He started yelling.

We got to the estate and separated. I went to the main entrance were I found Giyome-San, Sanemi-San, Tomioka-San, and Iguro-San.

They were all talking except Tomioka-San, so I decided to talk to him. He was the one who first found me and Nezuko when Nezuko turned into a demon.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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