"Ron stop being a dick about that cat" Rory hisses at him as he ignores her continuing to talk to Harry.

"So how about it? Come on, last time we went you didn't see anything. You haven't even been inside Zonko's yet!" Harry looked around probably checking that Hermione was well out of earshot.

"Okay," he said. "But I'm taking the Invisibility Cloak this time."

"Don't get caught" Rory whispers in his ear before going to find the twins. She finds them sat in the corner with Lee Jordan. "Your brothers an idiot and I'm seriously getting close to hitting him" They all look at her as she flops down on the seat next to Fred. Atlas was sat on George's lap.

"What did the idiot do now" George says not looking up from the piece of paper in his hand.

"He's still giving Hermione shit over Scabbers. I mean that rat gave me the creeps anyway but Crookshanks is a cat they eat rats, he needs to get that into his thick head"

"I'm glad I'm not the only one who got the creeps from him but why doesn't your cat eat rata or mice" Fred says gesturing to Atlas whilst George and Lee nod in agreement.

"Atlas is just weird you already know that he doesn't do much that other cats do but he's my baby. Anyway what are you three up to" She looks between them suspiciously.

"Just making our plans for Hogsmeade. We're assuming your beautiful self will be with Wood" Lee says raising an eyebrow at her.

"You would be correct. Although I need to get in some trouble soon guys I'm starting to get a bit bored of no detentions" They all smirk at her.

"We're planning on pranking the whole school later. You in?" George whispers.

"Hell yeah I'm in" They start telling her the plan they've got so far. A little while before dinner they all sneak down to the kitchens to put the plan into progress. Rory stands watch outside the kitchen door with Lee as the twins go in.

"Done?" She asks them as they run out, Fred grabbing her and throwing her over his shoulder before running. "Fred you know I can run myself" She catches sight of Remus smiling at them as they run past him.

"Yeah but with your little legs you'll get caught"

"I'm not bloody short" They finally stop running when they reach one of the secret passages where Fred finally puts Rory down as Lee and George stand with their hands on their knees trying to catch their breath as they all start laughing.

"Just remember don't drink any pumpkin juice at dinner" George says between laughs.

"Come on lets get to the Great Hall I don't want to miss any of this" Fred says once he's finally finished laughing. As soon as they all stop laughing they head to dinner and wait for the show to start. It doesn't take long for the first person to scream as everyone's hair starts turning Weasley ginger. Rory gives George and Fred a high five under the table before they all start laughing, even Dumbledore laughs with his now ginger hair and beard.

"Shit" Rory mutters as she sees McGonagall walking to them and stopping behind them "Hey Minnie, let me guess we have a date tomorrow night right?"

"Correct Miss Potter same goes for you two as well" She says looking at Fred and George before walking away.

"How comes she never suspects you" Rory says glaring at Lee across the table who was now ginger "You dick, you drank it as well to get away with it" He smirks at them.

"What can I say I'm smart" After an hour everyone's hair starts turning back to normal much to Rory, the twins and Lee's displeasure. They decide to head back to the common room where the boys disappear up to their dorm probably to plan some more pranks so Rory decides to sit by the fire and read her book. She doesn't notice Ollie until he speaks.

Happier with you- Charlie WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now