98 - Love Me Tender

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A week passed by achingly slow as Alexa began to heal and life started to go sort of back to normal. At least as normal as it could. Alexa had returned to Dr. Gamble a few days ago to find out that her ankle was doing well. So in lieu of surgery, for the next five weeks, she would wear a walking boot.

Life at home didn't change too much. Alexa was thankful that their apartment was one floor. There were okay days, and there were hard days, but today was definitely one of the latter.

Alexa hadn't slept well the night before and now, to top off the start of her week, her period had started.

Alexa was flat out having a bad day.
A shitty, awful, no good, very bad day.

She was currently curled up in bed, switching between putting an ice pack on her sore ribs and a heating pad on her cramping stomach. If someone had told her this was hell, she wouldn't have disagreed.

Chris was trying so, so hard to be sweet. No. Not trying. Just being. As he always was. But god, Alexa was just not in the mood to talk to anyone or do anything.

She laid in the dark bedroom, avoiding her phone and any form of social media. Chris and her had discussed it rather quickly. Which she, in the end, was grateful for. They worked with Megan on a statement, especially after the police report came back to them.

The walk signal was on.

Even through Alexa's distraught moment, she should have legally been able to safely cross the street. The Corvette driver was fully at fault, and to their surprise, had fully accepted fault without question.

After it was proven that Alexa was not in the wrong, their statement focused on the honest truth. Alexa had become upset by the over exaggerated articles thrown around so carelessly. And pointed out the shame that news outlets should feel for outing people.

They hoped their statement would have some sort of impact towards not only the media but everyone who consumes it. To be aware of what you are saying about others because you don't know what they are experiencing.

That was two days ago. And Alexa still refused to go back onto social media of any fashion. It wasn't worth the pain it put her through. So that was why she laid here now. No phone in bed with her. Just her focus on her sore ribs and her uterus trying to rip itself out of her body.

Chris was in the kitchen, cleaning up dishes from their lunch, giving her the space she seemed to be craving today. She hadn't said as much, but she appreciated that he could read her like a damn book.

Alexa rolled to her back but groaned at the movement. She needed more pain medicine, but man she did not want to get up. She sighed but slowly sat up anyway. She fought past the ache rippling along her abdomen as she stood up from the bed.

Her walking boot made her feel clumsy, making her hobble a bit as she took the first few steps onto the hardwood floor. Her boot got caught on the sheet dangling off the side of the bed and Alexa suddenly felt herself careening out of control. She fell the short distance towards the floor, but not without trying to grab for anything near by to catch her. The one thing in her path that she tried to grasp was the full length mirror but she ended up pulling it down and sent it smashing into the floor with her.

As the sound of tinkling glass echoed off the walls, Alexa heard Chris yell out, "Alexa?!"

She could hear the panic in Chris' voice, but all she could do was be annoyed about what just happened and gripped gently at her side, taking care to focus on her ribs.

Chris rounded the corner as she started to try to get up. She couldn't though. So Chris dropped to his knees beside her and asked, "Alexa, what happened? Are you hurt?"

Sweets - 𝘈 𝘍𝘰𝘳𝘵𝘶𝘯𝘦 𝘊𝘰𝘰𝘬𝘪𝘦𝘴 𝘚𝘵𝘰𝘳𝘺Where stories live. Discover now